Examples of Advisory value in a sentence
RDX was detected in a soil sample from the former bermed ordnance disposal area and in two groundwater monitoring wells downgradient from this area (MW-26-003 and MW-26-004) at concentrations slightly exceeding the USEPA’s Drinking Water Health Advisory value.
Moreover, Arnold Air Force Base (located in Tullahoma, Tennessee) underwent a site investigation in 2018 to determine whether PFAS are present in soil, groundwater, and sediment, the results of which indicated a combined concentration of PFOS and PFOA far exceeding EPA’s 2016 Health Advisory value of 70 ppt.
At release areas that penetrate the Manchester and Fort Payne aquifers, the combined concentration of PFOS and PFOA measured 19 times higher than the Health Advisory value for groundwater.
At one release area, the combined concentration of PFOS and PFOA was detected in groundwater at 2,500 times the Health Advisory value.
At one storm water outfall, concentrations measured four times the 2016 Health Advisory value for surface water.
Based on the new Lifetime Health Advisory value for PFOA, the Chemours Company agreed to offer sampling of area private and public water systems in certain geographic locations and to install water treatment technology if the water system’s finished water contains C-8 at concentrations greater than 0.07ug/L.
USEPA states that exposure to drinking water at the Lifetime Health Advisory value of 70 ng/L is predicted to maintain a steady state level of PFOA/PFOS in serum that will not result in adverse effects in the general population.
We concentrate on the cylindrically symmetric case, introduce the coordinates (r, ϕ, z) as it is shown in Fig.
Maximum concentrations for all sampling rounds for each well indicate 28 wells with concentrations at or above the USEPA Drinking Water Health Advisory value of 3 µg/L and 20 wells at or above the USEPA Region 9 PRG of 6.1 µg/L.
Of the 45 wells sampled, 10 had concentrations less than reporting limits (<0.5 µg/L for Weck Laboratories), 23 were at or above the USEPA Drinking Water Health Advisory value of 3 µg/L, and 16 wells had concentrations at or above the USEPA Region 9 PRG of 6.1 µg/L.