Examples of Allocated Budget in a sentence
We characterize small-world probabilistic sophistication on acts adapted to individual domains via a condition – event non-satiation – which considerably weak- ens Savage’s P3.
CTOTBGT NUMERIC 16 Total Allocated Budget CESTEACBEST NUMERIC 16 EAC Best Case Estimate.
The total of Column (13) should equal the budget amount by which the Total Allocated Budget exceeds the Contract Budget Base as shown in Block 5.g of Format 3.
Year wise Allocated Budget for IT facilities: Budget allocated for IT facilities 4.3.2 Student - Computer ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year) Response: 2:1File DescriptionDocumentUpload any additional informationView DocumentStudent - computer ratioView Document 4.3.3 Bandwidth of internet connection in the Institution.
Table N° 4: Sources of Project Financing Allocated Budget (thousands of US$)Sources of Financing Table Nº 5 displays the budget currently in use.
The total (Block 8.g) should equal the Total Allocated Budget shown in Block 5.f on Format 3.
The total of Column (14), Block 8.g, should equal the Total Allocated Budget shown in Block 5.f on Format 3.
The difference shall be explained in Format 5 at the time the negative value appears and subsequently for any changes in the difference between Contract Budget Base and the Total Allocated Budget.
Details Project Size Commission Estimated Budget Allocated Budget Budget Expended/ Encumbered V Large Economic Development Committee $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Budget Remaining $0.00 Last Updated Lead Department 1/28/22 City Manager's Office Updates #TaskStatusTask StartTask EndUpdate% Completed1.2Research In Progress10/18/213/15/22Review charters of other agencies with committees and commissions.801.3Outreach In Progress10/15/216/6/22Staff began outreach with key business stakeholders.
Explore the possibility of additional commissions or committees to address City needs, such as senior, traffic, transportation, and economic development Details Project Size Commission Estimated Budget Allocated Budget Budget Expended/ Budget Remaining Last Updated Lead Department Encumbered V Small All $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 1/21/22 City Manager's Office Updates #TaskStatusTask StartTask EndUpdate% Completed1.2Research Complete9/1/198/2/21Initial research phase completed.