Examples of Alternative 1 in a sentence
Alternative 3 - High Priority Areas OnlyBecause no treatments would occur in MA1, MA 2, MA 4, MA 5, MA 6, or MA 8 the direct, indirect, and cumulative effects would be similar to Alternative 1.
If selected, Alternative 1, the No Action Alternative, would result in the operator not undertaking the proposed activities as described in the plan.
If, after treatment, biosolids classified as EQ or Class A, or as Class B demonstrated through Alternative 1, are stockpiled or accumulated on-site prior to reuse/disposal, the permittee shall develop a sampling plan that ensures samples representative of the entire stockpile are collected and analyzed for pathogens within 30 days before distribution or use.
For the aforementioned reasons, Alternative 1 is the preferred alternative.
Alternative 1 (No Action) does not provide any protection to public health and the environment and will not be evaluated further.