Application Deadline. An application for leave shall be submitted to the 19 Superintendent not later than January 15 preceding the school year for which the leave is 20 requested. If the committee requests clarification of an application, the committee will 21 inform the applicant of the time limit for supplying the information.
Application Deadline. 1) Credit approval for salary increases (moving to the next salary column) must be made no later than October 1 or February 1 of the school year for which the salary increase pertains. Salary adjustments due to lane changes made on or before February 1 will be paid at the rate of one-half (.5) of the annual difference between the two (2) salary categories.
2) The School District agrees that credits presented after the foregoing cutoff date may be approved by the Superintendent provided the teacher presents an affidavit from the institution providing the training, stating that the delay was solely caused by the institution and in no way the fault of the teacher.
Application Deadline. Applications for sabbatical leave shall be filed with the Superintendent no later than February 1 prior to the school year for which it is requested. The Board may, at its discretion, extend this deadline.
Application Deadline. An employee electing to participate in the ERIP must notify South Xxxxxxxxxx Community School Corporation, in writing, no later than June 1 prior to the last year of service unless emergency conditions arise after this date and board approval has been granted.
Application Deadline. Eligible Members who wish to apply for tenure (Article 7.5) must apply in writing to their Xxxx/Director no later than 1 October. By 15 September, Deans/Directors shall notify all Members whose terms of appointment require that they be considered in that year. Applications and supporting dossiers, as per Article 12.2, must be received by 1 October. By 5 October, Deans/Directors shall send the names of all applicants to relevant Departments. By 20 October, Deans/Directors shall notify the Chairs of the relevant Faculty/Unit Tenure Committee and the University Tenure Committee whether or not there are applicants from their respective Faculties/Units and will forward the names of all applicants. Applicants may withdraw their applications at any time.
Application Deadline. Members may apply to their Xxxx/Director for promotion. Applications and supporting dossiers, as per Article 13.2, must be received by 1 October to be considered that year. Within two (2) working days, the Xxxx/Director shall inform the Department of each Member who has applied for promotion. By 15 October, Deans/Directors shall notify the Chair of the University Promotions Committee whether or not there are applicants from their respective Faculties/Units and will forward the names of all applicants. Applicants may withdraw their applications at any time.
Application Deadline. Our Nonprofits Elevated (“The O.N.E.'' or the “Program”) is a Signature Project of the Junior League of Beaumont, where the League partners with a non-profit organization in the Southeast Texas community (Jefferson, Hardin, Orange, Xxxxxxxx, Liberty, Xxxxxx, Xxxxxx, and Xxxxx Counties) to elevate and better the organization. The Program includes both hands-on assistance and resources, as well as a grant (minimum of $5,000). Applications must be postmarked by the February 28, 2023 deadline to be considered for the upcoming year. All the Program funds must be spent and accounted for in a final report by May 31 of the following year at the end of the Program. If May 31 falls on a weekend or Monday, then the due date for the purchase receipts and documentation must be received by the Friday before. Any funds received and not spent and accounted for must be returned by or before May 31, 2024.
Application Deadline. All submission must be received by the deadline date, close of business. (See “GRIN Schedule of Deadlines”)
Application Deadline. Except under extenuating circumstances as approved by the Implementing Committee, a Program Funding Application will be filed with the EAA not later than October 1 of the year preceding the year for which Program Funding is sought.
Application Deadline. The City will recognize and accept into the Xxxxx Act Program those properties included on the local San Diego Register of