American Indian Health Program definition
Examples of American Indian Health Program in a sentence
At any time after enrollment in the Fee-For-Service American Indian Health Program, a Member may contact AHCCCS and request placement into an AIMH.
Describe your capacity and approach to coordinating effectively with the American Indian Health Program.
Any AHCCCS registered provider, regardless of type, may choose to serve American Indian Health Program (AIHP) members under FFS, and there is no separate contractual requirement.
She explained that since the concern run by the appellant was a small business and since immediately after the incident, SEBI officers started visiting the office as well as her house relating to the investigation and since she was concerned with all these episodes she recollected the event.
This Policy applies to ACC, ACC-RBHA, ALTCS E/PD, DCS/CHP (CHP), and DES/DDD (DDD) Contractors; Fee-For-Service (FFS) Programs including: the American Indian Health Program (AIHP), Tribal ALTCS; and all FFS populations, excluding Federal Emergency Services (FES).
American Indian AHCCCS members may elect to enroll in an ACC managed care plan or the American Indian Health Program (AIHP) and a TRBHA where available.
The only exception to this requirement is for the American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) population, which has the option of enrolling with an MCO or receiving services in the AHCCCS fee-for-service (FFS) program, known as the American Indian Health Program (AIHP).
If a Member assigned to the Contractor automatically discontinues assignment as a result of the loss of eligibility for AHCCCS’ Medicaid program, AHCCCS will automatically re-assign the Member with the Contractor if the Member becomes eligible for the Fee-For-Service American Indian Health Program within two months of the date of the loss of AHCCCS eligibility.
American Indian Health Program (AIHP): The AHCCCS Division of Fee For Service (DFSM) will reimburse claims for acute care services that are medically necessary, and are provided to Title XIX members enrolled with the Contractor in an IHS or a tribal 638 facility, eligible for 100% Federal reimbursement when the member is eligible to receive services at the HIS or tribally operated 638 program.
If a Member assigned to the Contractor automatically discontinues assignment as a result of the loss of eligibility for AHCCCS’ Medicaid program, AHCCCS will automatically re-enroll the Member with the Contractor if the Member becomes eligible for the Fee-For-Service American Indian Health Program within two months of the date of the loss of AHCCCS eligibility.