Animal material definition

Animal material means animal carcasses, animal body parts, or animal foodstuffs;
Animal material means animal carcasses, animal body parts, foodstuffs or feedstuffs derived from animals;
Animal material means any animal excrement and includes all material accumulated on a premises from pet pens, yards, stables, veterinary clinics or hospitals, kennels or feed lots;

Examples of Animal material in a sentence

  • Animal material infected by pathogens of Category B other than those which would be assigned to Category A if they were in cultures must be assigned to UN 3373.

  • UN Model Regulations, (see ST/SG/AC.10/44/Add.1) Infected animal materialDeleted Animal material from animals intentionally infected for the purpose of propagating pathogens of Category A or which would be assigned to Category A in cultures only, must be assigned to UN 2814 or UN 2900, as appropriate.

  • Amend the following definitions as indicated below: Animal material: replace "or animal foodstuffs" with "foodstuffs or feedstuffs derived from animals".

  • Entropy change in ideal gases and mixing of gases.Third Law of Thermodynamics: Nernst heat theorem, statement and concept of residual entropy, evaluation of absolute entropy from heat capacity data.

  • Material and Methods Animal material 32 Wistar albino female rats weighing 180-250 g were used in the study.

More Definitions of Animal material

Animal material means any animal excrement and includes all material accumulated on a premise from pet pens or pet yards, veterinary clinics, animal hospitals, or kennels;
Animal material means any animal excrement and includes all material accumulated on premises from pets, veterinary clinics or veterinary hospitals;
Animal material means any animal excrement, offal, carcasses or parts thereof, and Includes all material accumulated on a Premises from the operation of pet pens, pet yards, kennels, stables, veterinary clinics or animal hospitals;
Animal material means any animal excrement and includes all material accumulated on
Animal material means any animal excrement and includes all material accumulated on property from pets, pet pens, yards, stables, veterinary clinics, hospitals or kennels.
Animal material means animal tissues and associated experimental data.
Animal material means animal carcasses, animal body parts, or animal food-stuffs;