Original Material means a material provided by one of the Parties and used in the Research Project.
Original Material. The description of the Material being transferred is specified in Annex 1 of this SMTA.
Original Material means the samples of iPSC lines transferred by the Depositor to the EBiSC Bank in accordance with an EMDA;
Examples of Original Material in a sentence
Either Party may provide or receive Original Material under this Agreement.
More Definitions of Original Material
Original Material means the material being transferred to the Recipient under this Agreement and as described in Schedule 1 to this Agreement;
Original Material means the material described in Appendix C, as provided to LICENSEE by the Inventors under this Agreement.
Original Material means knock-in mice designated as Siglech-IRES2DTREGFP Knock-in mice. These mice were developed by Xx. Xxxxxxxx Xxxx using materials owned by Inserm, including all relevant data.
Original Material comprises plasmid DNA as described in Annex 1.
Original Material means human material, as provided by Provider to Recipient under this Agreement, and as further specified in Annex I to this Agreement.
Original Material means the materials being transferred by USM as described in Schedule A hereof.