Mobile Devices means tablets and smartphones running mobile operating systems (e.g., iOS, Blackberry OS, Android, or Windows Mobile operating systems). Laptops are not considered to be Mobile Devices.
Mobile Device means a computing device, typically smaller than a notebook, which runs a mobile operating system, such as iOS, Android, or Windows Phone. Mobile Devices include smart phones, most tablets, and other form factors.
Manufactured/mobile home means either a manufactured home or a mobile home;
CAISO Approved Meter means a CAISO approved revenue quality meter or meters, CAISO approved data processing gateway or remote intelligence gateway, telemetering equipment and data acquisition services sufficient for monitoring, recording and reporting, in real time, all Facility Energy delivered to the Delivery Point.
Mobile food vendor means every corporation, association, joint stock association, person, firm or partnership, their lessees, directors, receivers, trustees, appointees by any court whatsoever, or the heirs, executors, administrators, or personal representatives or assignees of any deceased owner, owning, controlling, operating or managing any mobile food vending unit.
Supplier Equipment means the Supplier's hardware, computer and telecoms devices, equipment, plant, materials and such other items supplied and used by the Supplier (but not hired, leased or loaned from the Customer) in the performance of its obligations under this Call Off Contract;
Approved Device means a device described in Subsection 20A-21-201(4) used to
Contract Player means any Player (other than a Player on a Scholarship) who is eligible to play under a written contract of employment with a Club.
Assistive Devices means any category of durable medical equipment, mechanical apparatus, electrical appliance, or instrument of technology used to assist and enhance an individual's independence in performing any activity of daily living. Assistive devices include the use of service animals, general household items, or furniture to assist the individual.
Customer Equipment means hardware, software, systems, cabling and facilities provided by you and used in conjunction with the Equipment that we supply to you in order to receive the Services;
Manufacturer means the person or body who is responsible to the approval authority for all aspects of the type approval process and for ensuring conformity of production. It is not essential that the person or body is directly involved in all stage of the construction of the vehicle, system, component or separate technical unit which is the subject of the approval process.
Approved Vendor means a person who has been approved for inclusion on an
Supplier Software means software which is proprietary to the Supplier or its Affiliates which is used or supplied by the Supplier in the provision of the Services; Supplier Staff means all persons employed or engaged by the Supplier together with the Supplier's servants, agents, suppliers, consultants and Sub-Contractors (and all persons employed by any Sub-Contractor together with the Sub-Contractor’s servants, consultants, agents, suppliers and Sub-Contractors) used in the performance of its obligations under this Contract; Time and Materials means the pricing mechanism for the Services as may be agreed by the Parties and set out at paragraph Error: Reference source not found in the SOW; TUPE means the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (SI 2006/246) as amended or replaced or any other regulations or UK legislation implementing the Acquired Rights Directive; Velocity means the Metric which measures the total number of Story Points for Stories that have been accepted in a Sprint, indicating the rate of progress towards Acceptance of all Stories from the Product Backlog;
Network Interface Device or "NID" is a Network Element (including all of its features, functions and capabilities) that includes any means of Interconnection of End User Customer premises wiring to Qwest's distribution plant, such as a cross connect device used for that purpose. "New Service Provider" means the Party to which an End User Customer switches its local Exchange Service or the Party to which an End User Customer is porting its telephone number(s).
Manufactured or “Manufacturing” means all activities related to the manufacture of a Compound, including planning, purchasing, manufacture, processing, compounding, storage, filling, packaging, waste disposal, labeling, leafleting, testing, quality assurance, sample retention, stability testing, release, dispatch and supply, as applicable.
Mobile equipment means any of the following types of land vehicles, including any attached machinery or equipment:
Capture device means a hood, enclosed room, floor sweep, or other means of collecting solvent emissions or other pollutants into a duct. The pollutant can be directed to a pollution control device such as an incinerator or carbon adsorber.
Data Processing Equipment means any equipment, computer hardware, or computer software (and the lease or licensing agreements related thereto) other than Personal Computers, owned or leased by the Failed Bank at Bank Closing, which is, was, or could have been used by the Failed Bank in connection with data processing activities.
Manufactured dwelling means a residential trailer, a mobile home or a manufactured
Original equipment manufacturer means a company that manufactures products that it has designed from purchased components and sells those products under the company's brand name.
School equipment means a durable school-owned machine, equipment, or tool used by a student as part of an activity, course, or program in a secondary school and includes a saw or 3D printer. “School equipment” includes a saw or 3D printer.
Satellite Manufacturer means, with respect to any Satellite, the prime contractor and manufacturer of such Satellite.
Marijuana wholesaler means a person who purchases marijuana items in this state for resale to a person other than a consumer.
Major medical equipment means medical equipment which is used for the provision of medical and other health services and which costs in excess of the capital expenditure minimum, except that such term does not include medical equipment acquired by or on behalf of a clinical laboratory to provide clinical laboratory services if the clinical laboratory is independent of a physician's office and a hospital and it has been determined under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act to meet the requirements of paragraphs (10) and (11) of Section 1861(s) of such Act. In determining whether medical equipment has a value in excess of the capital expenditure minimum, the value of studies, surveys, designs, plans, working drawings, specifications, and other activities essential to the acquisition of such equipment shall be included.
Sensor means any measurement device that is not part of the vehicle itself but installed to determine parameters other than the concentration of gaseous and particle pollutants and the exhaust mass flow.
Cannabis wholesaler means any licensed person or entity that purchases or otherwise obtains, stores, sells or otherwise transfers, and may transport, cannabis items for the purpose of resale or other transfer to either another cannabis wholesaler or to a cannabis retailer, but not to consumers.