Approved Order definition
Examples of Approved Order in a sentence
The Buyer and Seller agree to make good faith efforts to close as soon as possible once the Approved Order has been approved and entered.
All Class Members who do not timely and properly opt out shall be Settlement Class Members and shall in all respects be bound by all of the terms of this Agreement and the Final Approved Order with respect to the Class defined herein, and shall be bound by the Release set forth in this Agreement.
Approved Order sets general requirements and mechanisms of informing centers for free legal secondary aid about the cases of detention of persons by authorities empowered to carry out administrative arrests or detain according to the order of law enforcement authorities or detention by pre-trial investigation authorities.
Input: Approved Order Directing Amendment signed by the Associate Administrator or Deputy Associate Administrator.
DEI used “a 2020 calendar year forecasted test period” in 20 IURC Approved Order in Cause No. 44720 dated June 29, 2016.
If there are multiple owners, the consent of each owner is required.Name (In Full) - NOTE: If property is owned by a company, please add full name and position (Director/Secretary).Signature/s Date Contact Details Deposit T87 / CAT 5 / A/C)#: Date Paid Receipt #: Parcel #: Assessment #: Work Order # CSO Name Approved By Date Approved Order of Private WorksAfter lodgement of this application, Cairns Regional Council will contact the applicant and provide a fee estimate, prior to commencement of the works.
Any changes to the form of Approved Order affecting the economic terms of the Transaction contemplated by this Agreement, or the closing conditions thereto, must be approved jointly by Buyer and Seller or by order of the Bankruptcy Court.
OrthoLogic shall perform patient fittings within 48 hours of the prescribing physician’s request for patient fitting, provided that an Approved Order for the patient has been received by OrthoLogic.
The Debtor further represents and warrants that upon entry of the Approved Order (as defined in the Credit Agreement) the Liens and security interests granted to the Lender are valid super-priority Liens and security interests in the Collateral afforded priority set forth under Section 364(d) of the Bankruptcy Code, or in priority afforded by Section 364(c)(2) and (3) of the Bankruptcy Code, as applicable, pursuant to the Approval Order.
DJO shall perform Patient Placement as promptly as is reasonably practicable following the prescribing physician’s request for same, provided that an Approved Order for the patient has been received by DJO.