Section 9.7 Sample Clauses

Section 9.7. 39 The employee with the earliest hire date shall have preferential rights regarding shift selection, 40 vacation periods, special services, promotions, assignment to new or open jobs or positions, and 41 layoffs when ability and performance are substantially equal with junior employees. If the District 42 determines seniority rights should not govern because an employee possesses ability and performance 43 substantially greater than a senior employee or senior employees, the District shall set forth in writing 44 to the employee or employees and the Association President its reasons why the senior employee or 45 employees have been bypassed.
Section 9.7. 17 When a position is open in any department, notice of the opening shall be published on the District 18 website for a minimum of seven (7) working days. Such position notice shall include the approximate 19 hours per day, approximate days per year, the general description of the assignment and any special 20 testing or selection requirements.
Section 9.7. 35 The employee with the earliest hire date shall have preferential rights regarding vacation periods, and 36 special services (including overtime), promotions, assignment to new or open jobs or positions, and 37 layoffs when ability and performance are substantially equal with junior employees. If the District 38 determines that seniority rights should not govern because a junior employee or non-employee 39 applicant possesses ability and performance substantially greater than a senior employee or senior 40 employees, the District shall set forth in writing to the employee or employees and the organization’s 41 grievance committee chairman its reasons why the senior employee or employees have been bypassed. 42 If there are no qualified and willing applicants available, involuntary transfers will go to the least 43 senior employee. Employees will be given written rationale for any involuntary transfers and granted 44 an informal meeting prior to any involuntary transfer.
Section 9.7. 2. 16 A. Individual seniority position within the bargaining unit; 17 B. Reason(s) for layoff; 18 C. Availability of those employee benefits of which the District is aware of at time of layoff.
Section 9.7. 20 The employee with the earliest hire date shall have preferential rights regarding shift selection, 21 vacation periods, special services, promotions, assignment to new or open jobs or positions, and 22 layoffs when ability and performance are substantially equal with junior employees. Seniority rights 23 shall be District-wide in the event there are no applications within the classification of the new or open 24 position(s). If the District determines seniority rights should not govern because an employee possesses 25 ability and performance substantially greater than a senior employee or senior employees, the District 26 shall set forth in writing to the employee or employees and the Association President its reasons why 27 the senior employee or employees have been bypassed. All in-district applicants shall be considered/ 28 interviewed prior to consideration/interviews of outside applicants. The Decision of the District to hire 29 or not hire an employee that is not within classification for the posted position is not grievable.
Section 9.7. 13 Employees who change job classifications within the bargaining unit shall retain their hire dates in the 14 previous classification until September 1 of the following school year, notwithstanding that they have 15 acquired a new hire date and a new classification.
Section 9.7. 41 The District shall offer regularly scheduled additional hours of employment to qualified available 42 employees within the building in the same general job classification on a seniority basis, which the 43 employee will retain the right to refuse, and has the right to schedule and assign current employees in 44 the same job classification in the building prior to posting remaining unfilled hours as an open 45 position. Additional summer hours will be assigned within the building by seniority. Additional days 46 may be added to an existing position without posting where the additional hours and days accumulate 47 to less than one hundred and eighty (180) hours.
Section 9.7. 15 Employees who change job classifications within the bargaining unit(s) shall retain their hire date in 16 the previous classification for a period of one (1) year, notwithstanding that they have acquired a new 17 hire date and a new classification.
Section 9.7. 45 The returning employee will not necessarily be assigned to the identical position occupied before the 46 leave of absence. However, provided a vacancy exists for which the employee is qualified, the 47 employee shall be reinstated to a position equivalent in duties and salary to that held at the time the 48 request for leave of absence was approved.
Section 9.7. 39 Employees who change job classifications within the bargaining unit(s) shall retain their hire date in 40 the previous classification for a period of one (1) year, notwithstanding that they have acquired a new 41 hire date and a new classification. 42