Examples of Architectural Supplemental Instructions in a sentence
Minor changes in the Work, not involving modifications to the contract cost or completion times and that are consistent with the purpose of Work, may be directed by the Consultant through Architectural Supplemental Instructions (ASI).
The Design Team will update the Architectural and Structural model(s) through the end of the construction phase, incorporating all updates and/or revisions to the model(s) as necessary to reflect design changes initiated by Architectural Supplemental Instructions (ASI), Request for Information (RFI), Conformed Documents, Owner Changes, or coordination with existing conditions.
Architectural Supplemental Instructions (ASI) status List ASI numbers accomplished for the record.
The Architect may advise of minor changes in the work not involving an adjustment to Contract Sum or Contract Time as authorized by AIA A201, 2007 Edition, Paragraph 7.4 by issuing an Architectural Supplemental Instructions (ASI) on AIA Form G710.
Record BIMs: Verify that all Construction BIMs (building, structure and building systems) represent as-built conditions, including Architectural Supplemental Instructions, Change Notices, and field changes and include the minimum attributes required by the GSA National Standards and Region 5 BIM Standards.
Change Order is Signed & Issued by A/E• The A/E creates the change order on the Change Order for Construction Contract - MnSCU022 form, which may encompass approved Proposal Requests (PRs), Construction Change Directives (CCDs), and/or Architectural Supplemental Instructions (ASIs).
During construction, the Owner is responsible for providing in a timely fashion to the DCA Construction Inspector all requested construction related documents (drawings and specifications, applications for payments, Change Orders, Architectural Supplemental Instructions (ASIs), Architect’s Field Reports, Soils and materials test reports, etc.) prior to his/her inspection(s).
Your Project Manager has returned from the weekly Owner-Architect-Contractor Meeting with ASI (Architectural Supplemental Instructions) 20 which details the addition of an Aquatics Center to the current design.
Architectural Supplemental Instructions (ASI): Architect may issue supplemental instructions clarifying the Work or describing minor changes in the Work, not involving adjustment to Contract Sum or Contract Time.
Pre‐bid assistance including clarifications and questions from contractors.2. Answering contractor RFIs.3. Issue Architectural Supplemental Instructions (ASIs) as required.