artisanal mining means traditional and customary mining operations using traditional or customary ways and means;
artisanal mining means an artisan’s mining operation undertaken by a citizen pursuant to a mining licence granted under Part III;
artisanal mining means mining operations limited to the utilisation of non- mechanised methods of reconnaissance, exploration, extraction and processing of mineral resources within a Small-scale Mining Lease Area;
More Definitions of artisanal mining
artisanal mining means a mining operation carried out by individuals or cooperatives which is mostly of manual nature and that does not involve the engagement of employed workers;
artisanal mining means traditional and customary mining operations using traditional or customary ways and means. This includes the activities of individuals using mostly rudimentary mining methods, manual and rudimentary tools to access mineral ore, usually available on surface, or at shallow depths.
artisanal mining means mineral extraction undertaken generally by individuals, small groups of individuals, or cooperatives working with hand tools or very basic forms of mechanization;
artisanal mining means, unless otherwise specified by the Minster, non – mechanized mining operations of gold, platinum, precious minerals, metals, salt, clay, and other similar minerals, an essentially manual nature carried out by Ethiopian individual s or groups of such persons;
artisanal mining means the extraction of Minerals that is conducted by limited[ordinary] equipment/tools and not exceeding thirty (30) meters in depth and an area of one (1) hectare; Panning[traditional gold-washing method] and extraction of precious, semi-precious and ornamental stones are included in this definition;
artisanal mining means a very small scale and manually operated mining granted to sustain artisanal practice. It shall also include traditional mining rights granted through Kashos and customary practice.
artisanal mining means a verysmall scale and manually operated min- ing grantedto sustain artisanal practice and includes traditional mining rights granted through Royal Kashos and customary practice.