Asset Valuation Report definition

Asset Valuation Report has the meaning set forth in Section 5.01(a).
Asset Valuation Report means the software valuation dated as of September 15, 1997, prepared for Purchaser by [APPRAISER];
Asset Valuation Report means with respect to any Portfolio Asset that is an Illiquid Loan, a valuation of such Portfolio Asset by the Initial Valuation Company or a Fallback Valuation Company where both updated core economic metrics and technical spreads are used for purposes of such valuation.

Examples of Asset Valuation Report in a sentence

  • The consideration for the subscription of the additional registered capital of Unis Si-Cloud was determined after arm’s length negotiations among the parties under the Capital Increase Agreement on normal commercial terms with reference to the valuation of Unis Si-Cloud as stated in the Asset Valuation Report.

  • Pictures in the problems affected students’ categorizationWe found that the pictures in the problems affected students’ categorization of the problems, especially for the 10th grade students.

  • Save for the above, any other entity or individual shall not be a user of the Asset Valuation Report.

  • Users of the Asset Valuation Report should correctly interpret and use the valuation conclusion, which is not equivalent to the realizable value of the valuation subject and should not be considered as a guarantee for the realizable value of the valuation subject.

  • Where the client or other asset valuation report users fail to use the Asset Valuation Report within the scope as set forth herein in accordance with the laws and administrative regulations, the asset valuation firm and its valuation specialists shall take no responsibility.

More Definitions of Asset Valuation Report

Asset Valuation Report. The meaning specified in the Issuer Sale and Contribution Agreement.
Asset Valuation Report the valuation report issued by 中通誠(天津)房地產土地資產評估有限公司 (China Tongcheng (Tianjin) Real Estate & Land & Assets Appraisal Co., Ltd.*) dated 17 October 2022 in relation to the valuation of the Target Assets as at the Valuation Benchmark Date in accordance with the relevant PRC laws, regulations and valuation standards;
Asset Valuation Report the asset valuation report on the Value of the Entire Shareholders’ Equity Interests of Shudao Financial Leasing (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Involved in the Proposed Capital Increase and Share Enlargement by Shudao Capital Holding Group Co., Ltd. (Shanghai Deloitte Ping Bao Zi [2024] No. 10003) 《( 蜀道資本控股集 團有限公司擬開展增資擴股行為涉及的蜀道 融資租 賃(深 圳)有限公司股東全部權益價值資 產評估報告》滬德勤評報字(2024)10003 號) “associate(s)” has the meaning ascribed to it in the Listing Rules “Board” board of Directors of the Company
Asset Valuation Report the asset valuation report conducted by an independent third party on 30 April 2019 with respect to the target assets
Asset Valuation Report the asset valuation report dated 31 December 2021 prepared by Beijing Guorongxinghua Assets Appraisal Co., Ltd.* (北京國融興華資產評估有限責任公司) (Certified Public Valuer in the PRC), in relation to the appraised value of the entire shareholders’ equity of the Target Company as at the Benchmark Date; “Benchmark Date” 30 June 2021;
Asset Valuation Report the valuation report dated 12 December 2023 issued by the independent valuer, 北京天健興業資產評估有限公司(Beijing Pan-China Appraisal Co., Ltd.*) in relation to the valuation of the Target Assets as at the Valuation Benchmark Date in accordance with the relevant PRC laws, regulations and valuation standards;
Asset Valuation Report the Asset Valuation Report in connection to the valuation on all shareholder equity involved in Shareholding Interests transfer proposed by shareholder of Unis Si-Cloud issued by Beijing Guorongxinghua Assets Appraisal Co., Ltd. on 20 December 2017 (GRXHPB ZI [2017] No. 010338)