Examples of Assignment File in a sentence
However, when it is populated, it must contain one of the languages listed in Appendix K: MCP Final HH Assignment File Accepted Values.
The assignments must be submitted to your tutor for formal assessment in accordance with the deadlines stated in the Presentation Schedule and the Assignment File.
Amida Care members can be offered Health Home Care Management services if:• They have two (2) or more chronic conditions• They are identified as having a Serious Mental Illness (SMI)• They are HIV Positive• They are qualified for a Health and Recovery Plan (HARP)Amida Care receives and reviews the Health Home Assignment File and the Health Home Enrollment File from New York State.
To that end, listed below are high-level data system requirements for MCPs, along with data sharing requirements for MCPs and ECM Providers.DHCS is developing more comprehensive guidance that will describe the minimum set of data elements required to be included in an invoice, along with ECM Member Assignment File and Encounter History File reporting standards, to be finalized by September 2021.
For purposes of this section personnel files are herein defined as the County Personnel File, the Departmental Personnel File and the Unit of Assignment File.
A complete list showing each reassigned station and its phase assignment, testing period start date and phase complete date is publicly available in the Phase Assignment File available on the Commission’s website (https://data.fcc.gov/download/incentive-auctions/Transition_Files).
MCP Final HH Assignment File DescriptionThis file is only uploaded by MCP users and is used to assign a current plan member to a HH, to pend MCP Assignments, and to upload plan supplied member contact, language, and optimization information into the system.
A list of accepted values and their definition for Engagement Optimization (field #118) and MCP Determined Eligibility (field #127) can be found in Appendix K: MCP Final HH Assignment File Accepted Values and are meant to help the HH/CMA provider know that the MCP has already reviewed the members case and/or discussed the HH program with them.5. Last Five Unique Provider (fields #27-71)a.
These values and their definition can be found in Appendix K: MCP Final HH Assignment File Accepted Values.3) Both of these fields are associated with the MCP that uploaded the file and its downstream providers.
Value descriptions are listed in Appendix K: MCP Final HH Assignment File Accepted Values2) MCP Determined Eligibility (#127) is populated with up to 8 two-digit eligibility codes that are deliminated with a space.