Associated Organization definition

Associated Organization means a Medical Organization specified in an EHCP’s Application Form to enrol in the VSS and in the Notification issued by the Government in respect of that EHCP.
Associated Organization means the Medical Organization specified in the Application Form of the EHCP for enrolment in the HCVS and in the notification issued by the Government in respect of the EHCP;
Associated Organization means a Medical Organization specified in a VMO’s Application Form to enrol in the RVP and in the Notification issued by the Government in respect of that VMO and a VMO’s Associated Organization means such Medical Organization.

Examples of Associated Organization in a sentence

  • To add registered users, log into WebGrants, click ‘My Profile’ from the Main Menu, select the applicable Associated Organization name, click ‘Add’ under the Registered Users section, and complete all the required fields on the form.

  • Each of the EHCP or his Associated Organization agrees to do all things and execute all deed, instruments, transfer or other documents as may be necessary or desirable to give full effect to the provisions of the Agreement.

  • For the purposes of this Agreement an “Import Company,” shall mean a company with which Time Insurance Company or an Associated Organization has entered into a contractual arrangement so as to allow the distribution of products.

  • The Company, or an Associated Organization or Import company, shall have a first lien on all compensation as security for payment of any and all such debts or claims, whether arising hereunder or otherwise, and the Company, or an Associated Organization or Import Company, shall have the right, without any requirement that We first obtain Your consent or give You notice, to deduct any monies so due from such compensation.

  • A confirmation on the Booking Form will be faxed back to the EHCP or his Associated Organization to confirm the dates of Vaccination accepted by the Government.

More Definitions of Associated Organization

Associated Organization means the Medical Organization specified in the application to enrol in the RVP submitted by the VMO.
Associated Organization means any organization in which a Legislator or a member of the Legislator’s immediate family is a managerial employee, director, officer or trustee, or owns or controls directly or indirectly and severally or in the aggregate at least 10% of the outstanding equity.
Associated Organization means a Medical Organization whose application to enrol to the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme at Clinics is accepted through the signing and returning of the Written Agreement in the manner mentioned in Preamble (b).
Associated Organization means a Medical Organization specified in that Enrolment Reply Slip for joining PIDVSS.
Associated Organization means any person, firm, company or organization of employees or association of employers created by, owned by or associated with county governments, urban areas and cities or any other institution, established under the County Governments Act (Cap. 265), the Urban Areas and Cities Act (Cap. 275), or their staff or any other person or body providing services to county governments or to their employees and includes those organizations whether associated with county governments or not that choose to participate in the Scheme by signing a deed of adherence;
Associated Organization means the Medical Organization specified in the Enrolment Form completed and returned to DH as mentioned in Preamble (b).
Associated Organization means in relation to an EHCP, the Medical Organization specified in that EHCP’s Application Form to enrol in the CVSS (PCV13 booster).