Attendee definition
Examples of Attendee in a sentence
Any Attendee information that may be collected in connection with the Event will be used by Red Hat and its affiliates and subsidiaries for legitimate business purposes in accordance with its Privacy Statement, which is incorporated in this Agreement.
If an Attendee engages in behavior that doesn't comply with these expectations, Red Hat may take any action that it deems appropriate, including warning the Attendee, excluding the Attendee from certain activities, prohibiting the Attendee from attending or participating in future Red Hat events, terminating Attendee’s access to the Services, including without a refund (if applicable), and referring the matter to the local authorities.
As an Attendee of Event, you understand that at activities and promotions offered at the Event by Red Hat, you may be photographed and/or recorded, including User Generated Content.
Nonetheless, if an Attendee does send Red Hat an Unsolicited Idea that is not already protected by a United States patent or is not public information, it immediately becomes the property of Red Hat.
If the Attendee is a Red Hat employee, Red Hat also reserves the right to take full disciplinary action pursuant to our internal policies.