Auction Method definition

Auction Method means a method of determining Dividend Periods and dividend rates for the Auction Preferred of a Series pursuant to the Auction Procedures.
Auction Method means the method of determining the duration of Dividend Periods and Dividend Rates for the Shares of Variable Cumulative Preferred Stock of a Series pursuant to the procedures described in paragraph D of Section 5 hereof.
Auction Method means: The Selling Agent will sell the Collateral in the name of and on behalf of the Issuer as follows: The Selling Agent shall attempt to obtain firm bid quotations with respect to the Collateral (each a "Quotation") from five or more dealers experienced in the loan market (the "Dealers") as soon as reasonably practicable following the occurrence of a Mandatory Redemption Event and in any event no later than 30 Business Days following the relevant Mandatory Redemption Notification Date (the "Valuation Date"). The Dealers shall be selected by the Selling Agent in a commercially reasonablemanner, provided that Lucida plc ("Lucida") shall be amongst the selected Dealers. The final sale price of the Collateral (the "Final Price") shall be the highest Quotation received by the Selling Agent on or prior to the Valuation Date. Lucida shall have the right in respect of any Quotation received from any other Dealer to provide an identical matching firm bid quotation (a "Matching Quotation") within 3 hours of the original Quotation being notified to Lucida by the Selling Agent during normal business hours`. If such Matching Quotation is provided by Lucida and the relevant Quotation is the highest Quotation (or equal highest Quotation) out of all the Quotations received, the Selling Agent shall accept the Matching Quotation from Lucida. Subject to the provisions of the immediately preceding paragraph, the Selling Agent shall, on behalf of the Issuer, sell (or where it is not legally possible for the Selling Agent to do so, the Issuer shall sell) as soon as reasonably practicable on or after the date on which the final Quotation has been obtained, the Collateral to the Dealer providing the highest Quotation. Should the Selling Agent fail to receive any Quotations on or before the Valuation Date, then the Final Price shall be zero.

Examples of Auction Method in a sentence

  • At the close of the bidding period, the Strike Price shall be determined on the basis of Dutch Auction Method by the Designated Institution.

  • The MOF’s direct involvement should be limited to issuer’s function in the capacity of the manager of government debt.B. Introduction of the Uniform-Price Auction Method: In an MOF publication, entitled Guide to Japanese Government Bond 1998, the uniform-price auction method is introduced as a “non-competitive” bidding method executed at the average price paid in the competitive auction undertaken concurrently.

  • An order book of bids is maintained by the Book Runner, which is then used to determine the Strike Price through the “Dutch Auction Method”.Under the Dutch Auction Method, the Strike Price is determined by lowering the Bid Price to the extent that the total number of shares issued through the Book Building process are subscribed.

  • Under the Dutch Auction Method, the strike price is determined by lowering the price to the extent that the total number of shares that the Issuer intends to issue through the Book Building process is subscribed.

  • Auction Method will be used for determination of the cut-off Spread as per the following procedure.

  • At the close of the bidding period, cut-off profit rate/ spread shall be determined on the basis of reverse Dutch Auction Method by arranging all the profit rate/spread in an ascending order along with the number of debt securities and the cumulative number of debt securities bid for at each profit rate/spread.

  • The order book shall be accessible through websites of the Designated Institution, Book Runner, Advisor to the Issue, securities exchange.x. At the close of the bidding period, Strike Price shall be determined on the basis of Dutch Auction Method by the Designated Institution.xi.

  • The Public Auction Method will be implemented where there is a higher demand for specialized land use e.g. shopping malls, etc, or where the application property is strategically located.

  • At the close of the bidding period, Strike Price shall be determined on the basis of Dutch Auction Method by the Designated Institution.

  • Table 3B: Effect of Auction Method on Sale Outcomes (California Sales)(N= 481 Sales) Notes: Robust standard errors in parentheses.1. Specification includes number of entering mills and loggers in addition to sale controls.2. See Appendix Tables 1B and 2B for full set of controls and coefficients.3. Number of matches = 4 using same controls as regression estimates and the estimated propensity score.

More Definitions of Auction Method

Auction Method. Traditional: Conditional:
Auction Method means the method of determining Dividend Periods and Dividend Rates for the shares of Variable Cumulative Preferred Stock described in Subsection D of Section Four.

Related to Auction Method

  • Balance Computation Method We use the daily balance method to calculate the interest on your account. This method applies a daily periodic rate to the balance in the account each day. Compounding and Crediting: Interest is compounded daily and calculated on a 365/366 day basis. Interest is credited on a monthly basis.

  • Alternative method means any method of sampling and analyzing for an air pollutant that is not a reference or equivalent method but that has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the commissioner and the U.S. EPA to, in specific cases, produce results adequate for a determination of compliance.

  • Reference method means any direct test method of sampling and analyzing for an air pollutant as specified in 40 CFR 60, Appendix A*.

  • Method Detection Level or “MDL” means the minimum concentration of an analyte (substance) that can be measured and reported with a ninety- nine percent (99%) confidence that the analyte concentration is greater than zero (0) as determined by procedure set forth in 40 CFR 136, Appendix B. The method detection level or MDL is equivalent to the LOD.

  • Random selection process means a process by which currently income-eligible households are selected for placement in affordable housing units such that no preference is given to one applicant over another except for purposes of matching household income and size with an appropriately priced and sized affordable unit (e.g., by lottery).

  • MBA Delinquency Method Under the MBA Delinquency Method, a loan due on the first of the month is considered 30 days delinquent when all or part of one or more payments remains unpaid as of close of business on the last Business Day of such month.

  • Selection Criteria means and includes all of the requirements, considerations,

  • Random selection basis means a mechanism for selection of employees that:

  • Auction Procedures means the Auction Procedures that are set forth in Paragraph 10 of the Articles Supplementary.

  • Equivalent method means any method of sampling and analyzing for an air pollutant that has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the commissioner and the U.S. EPA to have a consistent and quantitatively known relationship to the reference method under specific conditions.

  • Alternative Benchmark Rate means an alternative benchmark or screen rate which is customarily applied in international debt capital markets transactions for the purposes of determining floating rates of interest (or the relevant component part thereof) in the Specified Currency, provided that all determinations will be made by the Independent Adviser in its reasonable discretion.

  • Benchmarked Rates means the Framework Prices for the Benchmarked Goods and/or Services

  • Settlement Method means, with respect to any conversion of Notes, Physical Settlement, Cash Settlement or Combination Settlement, as elected (or deemed to have been elected) by the Company.

  • Approved Pricing Service means a pricing or quotation service either: (a) as set forth in Schedule 1.01(a) or (b) any other pricing or quotation service approved by the Board of Directors of the Borrower and designated in writing by the Borrower to the Administrative Agent (which designation shall be accompanied by a copy of a resolution of the Board of Directors of the Borrower that such pricing or quotation service has been approved by the Borrower).

  • Standard Methods means the examination and analytical procedures set forth in the most recent edition of "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater" published jointly by the American Public Health Association, the American Water Works Association, and the Water Pollution Control Federation.

  • Selective Routing is a service which automatically routes an E911 call to the PSAP that has jurisdictional responsibility for the service address of the telephone that dialed 911, irrespective of telephone company exchange or Wire Center boundaries.

  • Payment Method means a payment method that Stripe accepts as part of the Stripe Payments Services (e.g., a Visa credit card, Klarna).

  • Level V Pricing applies on any day if no other Pricing Level applies on such day.

  • Selective Router means the equipment necessary for Selective Routing. "Selective Routing" is the automatic routing of 911/E911 calls to the PSAP that has jurisdictional responsibility for the service address of the caller, irrespective of telephone company exchange or Wire Center boundaries. Selective Routing may also be used for other services.

  • Alternative Base Rate means the rate that has replaced LIBOR in customary market usage for determining floating interest rates in respect of bonds denominated in Dollars or, if the Independent Financial Adviser or the Issuer (in consultation with the Calculation Agent and acting in good faith and a commercially reasonable manner), as applicable, determines that there is no such rate, such other rate as the Independent Financial Adviser or the Issuer (in consultation with the Calculation Agent and acting in good faith and a commercially reasonable manner), as applicable, determines in its or the Issuer’s sole discretion is most comparable to LIBOR. If the Alternative Base Rate is determined, such Alternative Base Rate shall be the Alternative Base Rate for the remaining Interest Periods.

  • Reliability Pricing Model Auction or “RPM Auction” shall mean the Base Residual Auction or any Incremental Auction, or, for the 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 Delivery Years, any Capacity Performance Transition Incremental Auction.

  • Procurement Methods means any one of the procurement modes / methods as provided in the Punjab Procurement Rules 2014 published by the Punjab Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA), Government of Punjab.

  • Benchmarked Price means the higher of:

  • Simple Interest Method means the method of allocating a fixed level payment to principal and interest, pursuant to which the portion of such payment that is allocated to interest is equal to the product of the fixed rate of interest multiplied by the unpaid principal balance multiplied by the period of time elapsed since the preceding payment of interest was made and the remainder of such payment is allocable to principal.

  • Default Settlement Method means Combination Settlement with a Specified Dollar Amount of $1,000 per $1,000 principal amount of Notes; provided, however, that the Company may, from time to time, change the Default Settlement Method by sending notice of the new Default Settlement Method to the Holders, the Trustee and the Conversion Agent.