Examples of AUG Expert in a sentence
The Framework for the Appointment of an Allocation of Unidentified Gas Expert sets out the means by which the AUG Expert is appointed, how the AUG Statement is published on the Joint Office of Gas Transporters website and outlines the high-level process to be followed for the creation of a methodology to calculate the allocation factors to apportion Unidentified Gas.
The process described here sets out the means by which the AUG Expert is appointed, how the AUG Statement is published on the Joint Office of Gas Transporters website (www.gasgovernance.co.uk) and outlines the high level process to be followed for the creation of a methodology to calculate the allocation factors to apportion Unidentified Gas.
The scope of the review included:• A review by Xoserve’s Risk & Audit Manager of the management controls Xoserve has over Correla’s Subject Matter Expert (SME) support for this activity;• A review of the Correla SME’s validation and assurance over the AUGE, Engage; and• A review of the internal assurance Engage undertakes as the current AUG Expert and methodology applied as part of its published processes.
The process described here sets out the means by which the AUG Expert is appointed, how the AUG Statement is published on the Joint Office of Gas Transporters website (www.gasgovernance.co.uk) and outlines the high level process to be followed for the creation of a methodology to calculate the “UGS Weighting Factors” to apportion Unidentified Gas.
At the end of each AUG Expert year, regardless of any AUG Statement outcome, the Gas Transporters shall seek feedback from the industry, including the AUG Expert, on the activities and performance of the AUG Expert and industry for the creation of the AUG Statement.
To ensure that effective and efficient processes are in place for the appointment, management, and review of the AUG Expert to give assurance to customers and identify opportunity, scope and approach.
Now P e t e P e t e r so n , a good f r ie n d of m i n e, ha s bee n m e n t io n ed a s o ur a m - b a ss a do r w h o spe n t 6 y e ar s a s a P OW.
The Company’s Philosophy on Corporate Governance:Gujarat Petrosynthese Limited (hereinafter referred to as ‘GPL’ or ‘Company’), believes that Corporate Governance is an essential element of business, which helps the Company to fulfil its responsibilities to all its stakeholders.
To assess the requirements and benefits of MOD 0782 requesting the appointment of an Independent AUGE Assessor (IAA) to oversee the current AUG Expert activities and validate the outcome of their proposals.
The Committee shall approve thepresented by the AUG Expert, unless they unanimously agree changes to any part of the document The approved AUG Statement will be treated as the final AUG Statement.