Authority Certificate definition
Examples of Authority Certificate in a sentence
The PKCVCA has the security attribute Current Date as the most recent valid effective date of the Country Verifying Certification Authority Certificate or of a domestic Document Verifier Certificate.Country Verifying Certification Authority Certificate (CCVCA)The Country Verifying Certification Authority Certificate may be a self- signed certificate or a link certificate (cf.
The initial Country Verifying Certification Authority Certificate and the initial Current Date is needed for verification of the certificates and the calculation of the Terminal Authorization.
You will receive your Voter Authority Certificate via post at the address where you are registered to vote.If you need to collect your Voter Authority Certificate in person, please tell us the reason why.
The Country Verifying Certification Authority Certificate is signed with the private key corresponding to the public key it contains (selfsigned certificate).Chip An integrated circuit and its embedded software as it come out of the IC manufacturing step.
The Hillsborough County Aviation Authority Certificate Number is 39-00-143184-53C.
Country Verifying Certification Authority Certificate, to Country Verifying Certification Authority.Application note: The Country Verifying Certification Authority updates its asymmetric key pair and distributes the public key be means of the Country Verifying CA Link-Certificates (cf.
A certificated employee who is granted a sabbatical leave shall retain all rights of tenure and automatic increases in salary rating the same as though teaching the period of leave.
The PKCVCA has the security attribute Current Date as the most recent valid effective date of the Country Verifying Certification Authority Certificate or of a domestic Document Verifier Certificate.Country Verifying Certification Authority Certificate (CCVCA)The Country Verifying Certification Authority Certificate may be a self-signed certificate or a link certificate (cf.
The PKCVCA has the security attribute Current Date as themost recent valid effective date of the Country Verifying Certification Authority Certificate or of a domestic Document Verifier Certificate.Country Verifying Certification Authority Certificate (CCVCA)The Country Verifying Certification Authority Certificate may be a self- signed certificate or a link certificate (cf.
Certification Authority Certificate A record that, at a minimum: (a) identifies the certification authority issuing it; (b) names or otherwise identifies its subscriber; (c) contains a public key that corresponds to a private key under the sole control of the subscriber; (d) identifies its operational period; and (e) contains a certificate serial number and is digitally signed by the certification authority issuing it.