Examples of Available Transfer Capacity in a sentence
These factors include, but are not limited to, operational reliability needs, the pattern of Load growth in the CAISO Balancing Authority Area, the addition of new generating resources, the retirement of existing generating resources, the addition of new transmission facilities, changes in regional transmission limitations, changes in Available Transfer Capacity, and extended transmission or generating resource outages.
The methodology for calculation of capacity limits for Serbian-Romanian border shall be based on standard ENTSO-E methodology for calculation of Available Transfer Capacity.
The methodology for calculation of capacity limits for Serbian-Hungarian border shall be based on standard ENTSO-E methodology for calculation of Available Transfer Capacity.
A condition that occurs when there is insufficient Available Transfer Capacity to implement all Preferred Schedules simultaneously or, in real time, to serve all Generation and Demand.
Supervised Living Group homes (“Homes”) program provide a structured, supervised setting for individuals with serious mental illness.
Congestion A condition that occurs when there is insufficient Available Transfer Capacity to implement all Preferred Schedules simultaneously.
The Available Transfer Capacity ("ATC") is a measure of the transfer capability available on a transmission path for commercial activity over and above already committed uses and established capacity and reliability margins.
This does not prejudice any future decision on superposition by the Commission due to restricted Available Transfer Capacity (ATC) across the NI to Republic IC.
Available Transfer Capacity (ATC) is defined to be “[a] measure of the transfer capability remaining in the physical transmission network for further commercial activity over and above already committed uses.”53 Since Order Nos.
The setprocedure aims at providing a transparent and fair method of allocation of the Available Transfer Capacity on the interconnection between the power systems of Bulgaria and Serbia in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EC) 714/2009 and the Energy Community Treaty on the conditions for access to the network for cross border exchanges in electricity.These Rules are developed and accepted by ESO and EMS and are provided to the Regulatory Authorities of Bulgaria and Serbia for approval.