Avaya Software Development Kit definition

Avaya Software Development Kit or “SDK” means Avaya technology, which may include Software, Client Libraries, Specification Documents, Software libraries, application programming interfaces (“API”), Software tools, Sample Application Code and Documentation.

Related to Avaya Software Development Kit

  • Licensed Software includes error corrections, upgrades, enhancements or new releases, and any deliverables due under a maintenance or service contract (e.g., patches, fixes, PTFs, programs, code or data conversion, or custom programming).

  • Non-Microsoft Product means any third-party-branded software, data, service, website or product, unless incorporated by Microsoft in a Product.

  • Licensed Materials means any materials that Executive utilizes for the benefit of the Company (or any Subsidiary thereof), or delivers to the Company or the Company’s Customers, which (a) do not constitute Work Product, (b) are created by Executive or of which Executive is otherwise in lawful possession and (c) Executive may lawfully utilize for the benefit of, or distribute to, the Company or the Company’s Customers.

  • Software License means a license for the Software granted under this XXXX to the Licensee;