Examples of Average Rents in a sentence
The EZ-RRD System analyzes the data for the Average Rents of Comparables, Average Value of Comparables, Unit to be Assisted Rent and Unit to be Assisted Value factors.
All rental developments must use this schedule to ensure compliance with both maximum and average rent charged by income tier.How to Calculate Maximum and Average Rents: The City’s affordable housing program does not, unless otherwise specified in development approval documents, dictate a specific rent an owner can charge.
The number of sessions we get each year at the annual meeting is tied to our membership, and thus it is important that we maintain our focus on recruitment and renewal.
Source: HUD FY2020 Fair Market Rent1.b. Subsidized and Average Rents by Bedroom Size at 30/50/60 Multifamily property level information including occupancy, rental cost and income restrictions data is collected and reported by ALN Apartment Data monthly.
Anecdotal reports to date suggest a 40% increase in the period from 2017 to 2021Table 12 - Average Rents in Rural Elgin County (2011-2016) (Source: Statistics Canada) Average Rent(2011) Average Rent(2016)PercentageChange (2011-2016) Total Inflation (2011-2016)Aylmer$723$800+11%6.8%Bayham$804$832+3%Central Elgin$791$948+20%Dutton Dunwich$762$837+10%Malahide$791$955+21%Southwold$787$1,012+29%West Elgin$598$619+4%Elgin County (excl.
The RTB Q4 2020 Rent Index 19,287TENANCIES REGISTERED in Q4 2020Standardised Average Rents Q4 2020*National€ 1,256 Dublin€1,745GDA** excl.
Average Rents($) and Number of Units in the Universe by Geography, Structure Size and Bedroom TypeUniverse: Private rental, structures of three units or more.
Most notable are the two-bedroom units which have increased by $164 or 25.4% since 2003.Figure 13: Private Apartment Average Rents ($) by bedroom Type, Winnipeg Source: CMHC, Rental Market Reports 2003-2009 Source: CMHC, Rental Market Reports 2003-2009 Housing Affordability In 2006, there were a total of 17,630 renter households that fell below the levels of CMHC’s concept of housing affordability (CMHC: Housing in Canada Online Database).
The objective of the course is to develop students’ ability to process and comprehend various kinds of authentic texts on their own, autonomously, to expand their vocabulary and produce written and spoken speech.
Hourly income required to pay Ottawa’s 2007 rentsThe MINIMUM HOUSING WAGE Unit SizeSOURCE: Calculation based on wages of a full time worker, 40 hours a week for 52 weeks, paying Ottawa’s 2007 Average Rents, and using CMHC’s definition of affordable housing as costing less than 30% of pre-tax income.