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Aviso definition

Aviso means Aviso Wealth Inc., parent company of CAM;
Aviso means Aviso Wealth Inc., parent company of Credential Securities;
Aviso. Un empleado que no esté a prueba y que es despedido tendrá por lo menos dos (2) semanas de notificación o se le darán dos (2) semanas de pago en lugar de la notificación.

Examples of Aviso in a sentence

  • La revisión judicial se comienza al registrar una copia de un Aviso de Apelación con la Agencia para la Innovación de la Fuerza Laboral [DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY] en la dirección que aparece en la parte superior de este Orden y una segunda copia, con los honorarios de registro prescritos por la ley, con el Tribunal Distrital de Apelaciones pertinente.

  • Aviso is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Aviso Wealth LP, which in turn is owned 50% by Desjardins Financial Holding Inc.

  • Northwest & Ethical Investments Inc., the general partner of NEI LP, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Aviso Wealth Inc.

  • Aviso sobre la Asistencia de Costos Compartidos de la Empresa Farmacéutica Los costos compartidos que se pagan con el apoyo de la empresa farmacéutica no se aplicarán a ningún Deducible o Máximo de Gastos de su Bolsillo de su plan cada año.

  • Aviso is a wholly owned subsidiary of Aviso Wealth LP, which in turn is owned 50% by Xxxxxxxxxx Financial Holding Inc.

  • Aviso bajo el Acto de Americanos Discapacitados – Una persona con una discapacidad puede recibir asistencia o servicio auxiliar para participar efectivamente en actividades del gobierno de la ciudad con ponerse en contacto con el Coordinador de ADA, buzón de voz (919) 560-4197, fax (919) 560-4196, TTY (919) 560-1200, o ADA@durhamnc.gov, lo más antes posible pero no menos de 48 horas antes del evento o fecha indicada.

  • If the Shipping Company is Correios, the Signature Confirmation is the electronic or physical Delivery Receipt (Aviso de Recebimento - AR) that is issued by Correios.

  • Aviso con Respecto a Personas que no Hablan el Idioma de Inglés: Las reuniónes de la Mesa Directiva del Consejo de Gobiernos de Stanislaus son conducidas en Inglés.

  • Aviso con Respecto a Personas que no Hablan el Idioma de Inglés: Las reuniónes del los Comités del Consejo de Gobiernos de Stanislaus son conducidas en Inglés.

  • Editing criteria are defined for the GDR product in Aviso and PODAAC User Handbook [2].

Related to Aviso

  • Primer means a coating labeled and formulated for application to a substrate to provide a firm bond between the substrate and subsequent coats.

  • IMRO means the Irish Music Rights Organisation CLG.

  • CON means collectively all Certificates of Need and Certificate of Need reports under Healthcare Requirements authorizing and permitting the use of the Healthcare Facility for its Approved Use.

  • FAIS means the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, No. 37 of 2002.

  • Cadre means the strength of a service or a part of a service sanctioned as a separate unit.

  • POPIA means the Protection of Personal Information Act, No 4 of 2013;

  • ni , for any day "i", means the number of calendar days from and including such day "i" up to but excluding the following London Banking Day;

  • DIA means the department of inspections and appeals established in Iowa Code chapter 10A.

  • DEL means the Department of Early Learning of the State of Washington; any division, section, office, unit or other entity of DEL; or any of the officers or other officials lawfully representing DEL.

  • SANS : means the South African National Standards.

  • WADA means the World Anti-Doping Agency.

  • ha means hectare.

  • BaSAG means the Austrian Recovery and Resolution Act (Sanierungs- und Abwicklungsgesetz), as amended or replaced from time to time, and any references to relevant provisions of the BaSAG in these Terms and Conditions include references to any applicable provisions of law amending or replacing such provisions from time to time.

  • MAS means the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

  • OJEU means the Official Journal of the European Union;

  • SI means the abbreviation for the International System of Units.

  • Lacquer means a clear or opaque wood coating, including clear lacquer sanding sealers, formulated with cellulosic or synthetic resins to dry by evaporation without chemical reaction and to provide a solid, protective film.

  • SAQA means the South African Qualifications Authority;

  • SUR means the software use rights agreements which include additional or supplemental terms and conditions under which Software is licensed and which is made available on xxx.xxx.xxx/xxxxxxx/xxxxx.

  • CESA means the California Endangered Species Act (Fish & G. Code, § 2050 et seq.) and all rules, regulations and guidelines promulgated pursuant to that Act.

  • LA means the Local Authority in the area in which the Academy is situated;

  • Cueing means giving verbal, audio, or visual clues during an activity to help an individual complete the activity without hands-on assistance.

  • OPWC means the Ohio Public Works Commission created pursuant to Revised Code Section 164.02.

  • PAGA means the Private Attorneys General Act (Labor Code §§ 2698. et seq.).

  • GAC10 means granular activated carbon filter beds with an empty-bed contact time of 10 minutes based on average daily flow and a carbon reactivation frequency of every 180 days, except that the reactivation frequency for GAC10 used as a best available technology for compliance with MCLs under subsection shall be 120 days.

  • Luminaire means a complete lighting unit consisting of a lamp or lamps together with the parts designed to distribute the light, to position and protect the lamps and to connect the lamps to the power supply.