FAIS definition
Examples of FAIS in a sentence
We may not provide business under a name not changed in accordance with the provisions of the FAIS Act.
It is therefore important to ensure that the FAIS Information Circulars are monitored continuously for this type of information.
Our products must qualify as financial products, as contemplated by the FAIS Act.
THE FAIS OMBUDSMAN Telephone012 762 5000 Fax012 348 3447 Faxinfo@faisombud.co.za Websitewww.faisombud.co.za The FAIS Ombud deals with the complaints against the conduct, service or advice provided by a financial services provider.
The simple fact of the matter is that this is a professional exam which determines the competency of financial advisers of applying the FAIS Act, which came into being to ensure the protection and fair treatment of clients.