BC Hydro means British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority;
Secure transporter means a licensee that is a commercial entity located in this state that stores marihuana and transports marihuana between marihuana facilities for a fee.
the Academy means the school referred to in Article 4 and established by the Academy Trust;
Non-transient non-community water system means a public water system that is not a community water system and that regularly serves at least 25 of the same persons over 6 months per year.
Nontransient noncommunity water system means a public water system that is not a community water system and that regularly serves at least the same 25 persons over 6 months per year.
the Academies means all the schools and educational institutions referred to in Article 4a and operated by the Academy Trust (and “Academy” shall mean any one of those schools or educational institutions);
Air kerma means kerma in a given mass of air. The unit used to measure the quantity of air kerma is the Gray (Gy). For X-rays with energies less than 300 kiloelectronvolts (keV), 1 Gray of absorbed dose is delivered by 114 roentgens (R) of exposure.
Natural resources means land, fish, wildlife, biota, air, water, ground water, drinking water supplies, and other such resources belonging to, managed by, held in trust by, appertaining to, or otherwise controlled by the United States or the State.
Natural uranium means uranium with the naturally occurring distribution of uranium isotopes, which is approximately 0.711 weight percent uranium-235, and the remainder by weight essentially uranium-238.
South Caucasus/Central and South Asian (SC/CASA) state means Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.
Environmental Management System means an environmental management system or plan of management to address all environmental risks and to ensure compliance with all Environmental Laws and licences;
Houseboat means a powered vessel containing living accommodation, usually flat- bottomed and used in navigation.
Open season means those times, manners of taking, and places
Environmental Management Framework and “EMF” mean the framework of the Borrower for the management of social and environmental aspects of the Project dated April 24, 2007 and disclosed to the public on even date therewith, as may be amended from time to time with the prior approval of the Bank.
OASIS means the Open Access Same-Time Information System required by FERC for the posting of market and transmission data on the Internet websites of PJM and NYISO.
Cogeneration unit means a unit that is able to operate in cogeneration mode;
Mature marijuana plant means a marijuana plant that is not an immature marijuana plant.
Geothermal resources shall collectively mean the matter, substances and resources defined in subparagraph 16(a) and 16(b) that are not subject to this Lease but are located on adjacent land or lands in reasonable proximity thereto;
Transient guest means a natural person staying less than 30 consecutive days.
inland waters means the navigable waters of the United States shoreward of the navigational demarcation lines dividing the high seas from harbors, rivers, and other inland waters of the United States and the waters of the Great Lakes on the United States side of the International Boundary;
Single Phase Aerosol Air Freshener means an aerosol air freshener with the liquid contents in a single homogeneous phase and which does not require that the product container be shaken before use.
SOFR means a rate equal to the secured overnight financing rate as administered by the SOFR Administrator.
cogeneration means the simultaneous generation in one process of thermal energy and electrical or mechanical energy;
Biogas means gaseous fuels produced from biomass;
Air freshener means any consumer product including, but not limited to, sprays, wicks, powders, and crystals, designed for the purpose of masking odors or freshening, cleaning, scenting, or deodorizing the air. Air fresheners do not include products that are used on the human body, products that function primarily as cleaning products, disinfectant products claiming to deodorize by killing germs on surfaces, or institutional or industrial disinfectants when offered for sale solely through institutional and industrial channels of distribution. Air fresheners do include spray disinfectants and other products that are expressly represented for use as air fresheners, except institutional and industrial disinfectants when offered for sale through institutional and industrial channels of distribution. To determine whether a product is an air freshener, all verbal and visual representations regarding product use on the label or packaging and in the product's literature and advertising may be considered. The presence of, and representations about, a product's fragrance and ability to deodorize (resulting from surface application) shall not constitute a claim of air freshening.