Base Capacity Resource Constraint definition

Base Capacity Resource Constraint for the PJM Region or an LDA, shall mean, for the 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 Delivery Years, the maximum Unforced Capacity amount, determined by PJM, of Base Capacity Resources, including Base Capacity Demand Resources and Base Capacity Energy Efficiency Resources, that is consistent with the maintenance of reliability. As more fully set forth in the PJM Manuals, PJM calculates the above Base Capacity Resource Constraint for the PJM Region or an LDA, by first determining a reference annual loss of load expectation (“LOLE”) assuming no Base Capacity Resources, including no Base Capacity Demand Resources or Base Capacity Energy Efficiency Resources. The calculation for the PJM
Base Capacity Resource Constraint for the PJM Region or an LDA, shall mean, for the 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 Delivery Years, the maximum Unforced Capacity amount, determined by PJM, of Base Capacity Resources, including Base Capacity Demand Resources and Base Capacity Energy Efficiency Resources, that is consistent with the maintenance of reliability. As more fully set forth in the PJM Manuals, PJM calculates the above Base Capacity Resource Constraint for the PJM Region or an LDA, by first determining a reference annual loss of load expectation (“LOLE”) assuming no Base Capacity Resources, including no Base Capacity Demand Resources or Base Capacity Energy Efficiency Resources. The calculation for the PJM Region uses the weekly load distribution from the Installed Reserve Margin study for the Delivery Year in question (based on the most recent load forecast and iteratively shifting the load distributions to result in the Installed Reserve Margin established for the Delivery Year in question) and a weekly capacity distribution (based on the cumulative capacity availability
Base Capacity Resource Constraint for the PJM Region or an LDA, shall mean, for the 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 Delivery Years, the maximum Unforced Capacity amount, determined by PJM, of Base Capacity Resources, including Base Capacity Demand Resources and Base Capacity Energy Efficiency Resources, that is consistent with the maintenance of reliability. As more fully set forth in the PJM Manuals, PJM calculates the above Base Capacity Resource Constraint for the PJM Region or an LDA, by first determining a reference annual loss of load expectation (“LOLE”) assuming no Base Capacity Resources, including no Base Capacity Demand Resources or Base Capacity Energy Efficiency Resources. The calculation for the PJM Region uses the weekly load distribution from the Installed Reserve Margin study for the Delivery Year in question (based on the most recent load forecast and iteratively shifting the load distributions to result in the Installed Reserve Margin established for the Delivery Year in question) and a weekly capacity distribution (based on the cumulative capacity availability distributions developed for the Installed Reserve Margin study for the Delivery Year in question). The calculation for each relevant LDA uses a weekly load distribution (based on the Installed Reserve Margin study and the most recent load forecast for the Delivery Year in question) and a weekly capacity distribution (based on the cumulative capacity availability distributions developed for the Installed Reserve Margin study for the Delivery Year in question). For the relevant LDA calculation, the weekly capacity distributions are adjusted to reflect the Capacity Emergency Transfer Limit for the Delivery Year in question. Additionally, for the PJM Region and relevant LDA calculation, the weekly capacity distributions are adjusted to reflect winter ratings. For both the PJM Region and LDA analyses, PJM models the commitment of an amount of Base Capacity Demand Resources and Base Capacity Energy Efficiency Resources equal to the Base Capacity Demand Resource Constraint (displacing otherwise committed generation). PJM then models the commitment of varying amounts of Base Capacity Resources (displacing otherwise committed generation) as unavailable during the peak week of winter and available the rest of the Delivery Year in question and calculates the LOLE at each Base Capacity Resource level. The Base Capacity Resource Constraint is the combined amount of Base Capacity Demand Resources, Base Capacity Energy Efficiency Resour...

Examples of Base Capacity Resource Constraint in a sentence

  • The Base Capacity Resource Constraint is the combined amount of Base Capacity Demand Resources, Base Capacity Energy Efficiency Resources and Base Capacity Resources, stated as a percentage of the unrestricted annual peak load, that produces no more than a ten percent increase in the LOLE, compared to the reference value.

  • As more fully set forth in the PJM Manuals, PJM calculates the above Base Capacity Resource Constraint for the PJM Region or an LDA, by first determining a reference annual loss of load expectation (“LOLE”) assuming no Base Capacity Resources, including no Base Capacity Demand Resources or Base Capacity Energy Efficiency Resources.

  • The Base Capacity Resource Constraint shall be expressed as a percentage of the forecasted peak load of the PJM Region or such LDA and is converted to Unforced Capacity by multiplying [the reliability target percentage] times [one minus the pool-wide average EFORd] times [the forecasted peak load of the PJM Region or such LDA, reduced by the amount of load served under the FRR Alternative].

  • CP Resources are expected to be available and capable of providing energy and reserves when needed at any time during the Delivery Year.9 Effective for the 2018/2019 through the 2019/2020 Delivery Years, a Base Capacity Demand Resource Constraint and a Base Capacity Resource Constraint are established for each modeled LDA.

  • Consultant’s shall have sole responsibility to comply with all applicable registration and labor compliance requirements, including the submission of payroll records directly to the DIR.

  • Specifically, PJM proposes to employ a Base Capacity Demand Resource Constraint and a Base Capacity Resource Constraint to establish maximum levels at which the less-available capacity resources may clear in RPM Auctions.

  • Make recommendations regarding a chemical hazard surveillance mechanism that would allow HESIS to identify end users of chemicals in California and provide hazard prevention information to these end users in a timely manner.

  • The Base Capacity Resource Constraint was binding for the RTO in the 2018/2019 BRA.

  • In committing resources in RPM Auctions for the 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 Delivery Years, the Base Capacity Demand Resource Constraint will apply to Base Capacity Demand Resources and Base Capacity Energy Efficiency Resources and the Base Capacity Resource Constraint will apply to all Base Capacity Resources, including Base Capacity Demand Resources and Base Capacity Energy Efficiency Resources.

  • The actual resource split will be determined by the Base Capacity Resource Constraint and will be posted with the auction parameters.

Related to Base Capacity Resource Constraint

  • Base Capacity Resource means a Capacity Resource as described in Tariff, Attachment DD, section 5.5A(b).

  • Base Capacity Demand Resource Constraint for the PJM Region or an LDA, shall mean, for the 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 Delivery Years, the maximum Unforced Capacity amount, determined by PJM, of Base Capacity Demand Resources and Base Capacity Energy Efficiency Resources that is consistent with the maintenance of reliability. As more fully set forth in the PJM Manuals, PJM calculates the Base Capacity Demand Resource Constraint for the PJM Region or an LDA, by first determining a reference annual loss of load expectation (“LOLE”) assuming no Base Capacity Resources, including no Base Capacity Demand Resources or Base Capacity Energy Efficiency Resources. The calculation for the PJM Region uses a daily distribution of loads under a range of weather scenarios (based on the most recent load forecast and iteratively shifting the load distributions to result in the Installed Reserve Margin established for the Delivery Year in question) and a weekly capacity distribution (based on the cumulative capacity availability distributions developed for the Installed Reserve Margin study for the Delivery Year in question). The calculation for each relevant LDA uses a daily distribution of loads under a range of weather scenarios (based on the most recent load forecast for the Delivery Year in question) and a weekly capacity distribution (based on the cumulative capacity availability distributions developed for the Installed Reserve Margin study for the Delivery Year in question). For the relevant LDA calculation, the weekly capacity distributions are adjusted to reflect the Capacity Emergency Transfer Limit for the Delivery Year in question. For both the PJM Region and LDA analyses, PJM then models the commitment of varying amounts of Base Capacity Demand Resources and Base Capacity Energy Efficiency Resources (displacing otherwise committed generation) as interruptible from June 1 through September 30 and unavailable the rest of the Delivery Year in question and calculates the LOLE at each DR and EE level. The Base Capacity Demand Resource Constraint is the combined amount of Base Capacity Demand Resources and Base Capacity Energy Efficiency Resources, stated as a percentage of the unrestricted annual peak load, that produces no more than a five percent increase in the LOLE, compared to the reference value. The Base Capacity Demand Resource Constraint shall be expressed as a percentage of the forecasted peak load of the PJM Region or such LDA and is converted to Unforced Capacity by multiplying [the reliability target percentage] times [the Forecast Pool Requirement] times [the forecasted peak load of the PJM Region or such LDA, reduced by the amount of load served under the FRR Alternative].

  • Base Capacity Resource Price Decrement means, for the 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 Delivery Years, a difference between the clearing price for Base Capacity Resources and the clearing price for Capacity Performance Resources, representing the cost to procure additional Capacity Performance Resources out of merit order when the Base Capacity Resource Constraint is binding.

  • Planned Financed Generation Capacity Resource means a Planned Generation Capacity Resource that, prior to August 7, 2015, has an effective Interconnection Service Agreement and has submitted to the Office of the Interconnection the appropriate certification attesting achievement of Financial Close.

  • Interconnection Construction Service Agreement means the agreement entered into by an Interconnection Customer, Interconnected Transmission Owner and the Transmission Provider pursuant to Tariff, Part VI, Subpart B and in the form set forth in Tariff, Attachment P, relating to construction of Attachment Facilities, Network Upgrades, and/or Local Upgrades and coordination of the construction and interconnection of an associated Customer Facility. A separate Interconnection Construction Service Agreement will be executed with each Transmission Owner that is responsible for construction of any Attachment Facilities, Network Upgrades, or Local Upgrades associated with interconnection of a Customer Facility. Interconnection Customer:

  • Planned External Financed Generation Capacity Resource means a Planned External Generation Capacity Resource that, prior to August 7, 2015, has an effective agreement that is the equivalent of an Interconnection Service Agreement, has submitted to the Office of the Interconnection the appropriate certification attesting achievement of Financial Close, and has secured at least 50 percent of the MWs of firm transmission service required to qualify such resource under the deliverability requirements of the Reliability Assurance Agreement.

  • Pre-Construction Phase Services means the participation, documentation and execution of Contractor’s Pre-Construction Phase deliverables as required by this Agreement and further defined in Article 5.

  • Limited Resource Constraint means, for the 2017/2018 Delivery Year and for FRR Capacity Plans the 2017/2018 and Delivery Years, for the PJM Region or each LDA for which the Office of the Interconnection is required under Tariff, Attachment DD, section 5.10(a) to establish a separate VRR Curve for a Delivery Year, a limit on the total amount of Unforced Capacity that can be committed as Limited Demand Resources for the 2017/2018 Delivery Year in the PJM Region or in such LDA, calculated as the Limited Demand Resource Reliability Target for the PJM Region or such LDA, respectively, minus the Short Term Resource Procurement Target for the PJM Region or such LDA, respectively.

  • Access Tandem Switch is a Switch used to connect End Office Switches to interexchange Carrier Switches. Qwest's Access Tandem Switches are also used to connect and switch traffic between and among Central Office Switches within the same LATA and may be used for the exchange of local traffic.

  • Potential electrical output capacity means, with regard to a unit, 33 per- cent of the maximum design heat input of the unit.

  • Customer-generator means a user of a net metering system.

  • Base Load Generation Resource means a Generation Capacity Resource that operates at least 90 percent of the hours that it is available to operate, as determined by the Office of the Interconnection in accordance with the PJM Manuals.

  • Project Capacity means the AC capacity of the project at the generating terminal(s) and to be contracted with MSEDCL for supply from the Solar Power Project.

  • Nameplate capacity means the maximum electrical generating output (in MWe) that a generator can sustain over a specified period of time when not restricted by seasonal or other deratings as measured in accordance with the United States Department of Energy standards.

  • Storage Capacity means any combination of space, injectability and deliverability.

  • Base Capacity Demand Resource Price Decrement means, for the 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 Delivery Years, a difference between the clearing price for Base Capacity Demand Resources and Base Capacity Energy Efficiency Resources and the clearing price for Base Capacity Resources and Capacity Performance Resources, representing the cost to procure additional Base Capacity Resources or Capacity Performance Resources out of merit order when the Base Capacity Demand Resource Constraint is binding.

  • Interconnection Customer means a Generation Interconnection Customer and/or a Transmission Interconnection Customer.