Examples of Base Map in a sentence
An Updated List of such Towns will be shared with the Successful Bidder(s) for their respective clusters, along with the Procured Satellite Imagery to provide a Jumpstart for the purpose of Base Map Creation and Updation, by the Successful Bidder.
A methodology needs to be prepared for the selection and procurement of suitable satellite imagery and the MPC have to seek vetting of TCPD- GoUK before commencement of Base Map Preparation.
The Assignment includes (but is not limited to) Demand Assessment, Identification of Issues, Projected Requirements, Development Strategy and Draft Proposals on the GIS Base Map and Sector-Wise Data Analysis, to be done by the MPC.Spatial Attribute Collection and Vetting of Base MapsThe MPC needs to self-procure Satellite Imagery from Established/ Verified Sources4, and also ground truthing and collection of spatial attributes5.
Very High-Resolution Satellite (VHRS) Imagery and/ or Data will be self-procured by the Successful Bidder, hereafter referred as Master Plan Consultant (MPC), for preparing Large Scale Urban Base Map3 at 1: 4000 scale or better and the Large-Scale Urban Base Map will be vetted by the TCPD- GoUK, as per Applicable Provisions of Relevant Acts and Legislations of State of Uttarakhand.
Topographic Base Map The reviewing engineer may require upstream tributary drainage system information as necessary.