Examples of Basis of bearing in a sentence
Basis of bearing, bench xxxx and aerial topographic mapping for the Project.
Basis of bearing, bench xxxx and aerial topographic mapping for theProject.
NOTE: Basis of bearing is the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, North Central Zone (4202), North American Datum 1983 NAD 83)(2007) with all distances adjusted to surface by project combined scale factor of 0.9998802448.
A complete and accurate survey of the land to be subdivided shall be made.2. Basis of bearing.
Basis of bearing, monument notes and easement notes shall be placed on each map sheet.TRACT MAP OR PARCEL MAP BOUNDARY The distinctive boundary should extend to the street centerline, unless the surveyor or title company provides documentation that the City owns the street in fee (see Exhibit 14).
Basis of bearing is the north line of Granville Street assumed South 77°00'00" West.
Basis of bearing, monument notes and easement notes shall be placed on each map sheet.TRACT MAP OR PARCEL MAP BOUNDARY The distinctive boundary should extend to the street centerline, unless the surveyor or title company provides documentation that the City owns the street in fee (see Exhibit14).
Basis of bearing, bench mark and aerial topographic mapping for the Project.
Basis of bearing is the North line of the Northwest quarter of Section 19, Township 13 South, Range 14 East, Gila and Salt River Meridian, said bearing is North 88 degrees 31’57” East.
Basis of bearing is South 89 degrees 28 minutes 49 seconds East along the North line of Xxxx 0, 0 xxx 0.