Examples of Behaviour Policy in a sentence
All staff are required to sign to confirm they have received a copy of the child protection and safeguarding policy and Staff Behaviour Policy (code of conduct).
In the case of both acts, action can only be taken over issues covered by the published Behaviour Policy.
We describe our approach to promoting positive behaviour in our Behaviour Policy.
The school expects all staff, volunteers, governors, visiting practitioners, contractors and individuals or agencies that hire school premises to behave in accordance with the school’s Staff Behaviour Policy (code of conduct), will challenge the expression and/or promotion of extremist views and ideas by any adult on school premises or at school events and, when necessary, will make appropriate referrals in respect of any such adult.
It might also be appropriate to review the Whole School Behaviour Policy and/or supporting procedures.
In the case of both acts, action will be taken in line with the school’s published Disciplinary Procedure and/or Behaviour Policy.
To meet and maintain our responsibilities towards pupils, we identify standards of good practice and set out our expectations of staff in the Staff Behaviour Policy, which all members of staff and volunteers are required to read and sign before starting work in the school.
Certain types of employment relationship problems may be able to be dealt with through the University of Otago Ethical Behaviour Policy and Procedures, particularly problems involving harassment.
Pupils will also be reassured that they will be taken seriously, be supported, and kept safe.The school’s procedures for managing allegations of peer-on-peer abuse are outlined in the School Behaviour Policy.
We recognise that some students will sometimes negatively affect the learning and wellbeing of others and their behaviour will be dealt with under the school’s Behaviour Policy.