Examples of BES Cyber System in a sentence
Examples may include, but are not limited to, firewalls, authentication servers, and log monitoring and alerting systems.• Physical Access Control Systems (PACS) – Applies to each Physical Access Control System associated with a referenced high impact BES Cyber System or medium impact BES Cyber System with External Routable Connectivity.• Protected Cyber Assets (PCA) – Applies to each Protected Cyber Asset associated with a referenced high impact BES Cyber System or medium impact BES Cyber System.
This also excludes Cyber Assets in the BES Cyber System that cannot be directly accessed through External Routable Connectivity.• Electronic Access Control or Monitoring Systems (EACMS) – Applies to each Electronic Access Control or Monitoring System associated with a referenced high impact BES Cyber System or medium impact BES Cyber System.
Requirements and Measures Rationale for Requirement R1:The SDT’s intent of the information protection program is to prevent unauthorized access to BES Cyber System Information.
Defining the boundary too tightly may result in redundant paperwork and authorizations, while defining the boundary too broadly could make the secure operation of the BES Cyber System difficult to monitor and assess.Reliable Operation of the BESThe scope of the CIP Cyber Security Standards is restricted to BES Cyber Systems that would impact the reliable operation of the BES.
The Bank is not liable for any loss arising from the fact that the Bank has acted on the accuracy of the data you provided either directly or indirectly and which later prove to be inaccurate or to have changed.
Rationale for Requirement R2:The intent of the BES Cyber Asset reuse and disposal process is to prevent the unauthorized dissemination of BES Cyber System Information upon reuse or disposal.
Medium Impact Rating (M) Each BES Cyber System, not included in Section 1 above, associated with any of the following: 2.1. Commissioned generation, by each group of generating units at a single plant location, with an aggregate highest rated net Real Power capability of the preceding 12 calendar months equal to or exceeding 1500 MW in a single Interconnection.
Upon written request by the Disclosing Party, the Receiving Party shall destroy or return to Disclosing Party all the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information, except the Receiving Party shall be entitled to keep one copy of the Confidential Information in its archives, except that BES Cyber System Information kept in Contractor’s archives may only be kept for a maximum of four years after the Services are complete.
The Responsible Entity should take into consideration the operational environment andscope of management when defining the BES Cyber System boundary in order to maximize efficiency in secure operations.
Responsible Entities can use the well- developed concept of a security plan for each BES Cyber System to document the programs, processes, and plans in place to comply with security requirements.It is left up to the Responsible Entity to determine the level of granularity at which to identify a BES Cyber System within the qualifications in the definition of BES Cyber System.