BID ACCEPTANCE PERIOD. A bid shall constitute an irrevocable offer for a period of ninety (90) days from the bid opening date or until the date of award. In the event that an award is not made by the County within ninety (90) days from the bid opening date, the Bidder may withdraw their bid or provide a written extension of their bid.
BID ACCEPTANCE PERIOD. Any Bid submitted in response to this Invitation of Bids shall remain in effect for a period of 90 days after Bid opening. Upon request of the County, the Bidder at its sole option may extend this period.
BID ACCEPTANCE PERIOD. Any bid in response to this solicitation shall be valid for thirty (30) days. At the end of the thirty (30) days the bid may be withdrawn at the written request of the bidder. If the bid is not withdrawn at that time it remains in effect until an award is made or the solicitation is cancelled.
BID ACCEPTANCE PERIOD. A bid shall constitute an irrevocable offer for a period of one hundred twenty (120) days from the public opening date or until the date of award. In the event that an award is not made by the County within one hundred twenty (120) days from the public opening date, the respondent may withdraw their offer or provide a written extension without modification.
BID ACCEPTANCE PERIOD. Any bid submitted as a result of the solicitation shall be binding on the bidder for a period of ninety (90) calendar days following the opening date. Any quote for which the bidder specifies a shorter acceptance period may be rejected.
BID ACCEPTANCE PERIOD. Bids received after the opening date and time will not be considered.
BID ACCEPTANCE PERIOD. This bid shall be binding upon the bidder for 60 calendar days following the bid opening date. Any bid on which the bidder shortens the acceptance period may be rejected.
BID ACCEPTANCE PERIOD. Unless otherwise stated prices offered will be considered to allow sixty (60) days for acceptance. Bid may be revised or withdrawn up to the time of bid opening. Refer toWithdrawal of Bid” for procedure.
BID ACCEPTANCE PERIOD. Unless otherwise specified herein, prices are firm for a period of ninety (90) days. BID FORMS. Bids shall be made on the blank forms prepared and provided by the City of Milpitas. Bids shall give the prices proposed, both in writing and in figures, shall give all other information requested herein, and shall be signed by the bidder or authorized representative, with the appropriate address. If an individual makes the bid, his or her name, signature, and post office address must be shown. If a firm or partnership makes the bid, the name and post office address of the firm or partnership and the signature of at least one of the general partners must be shown. If a corporation makes the bid, the bid shall BID RESULTS. It is not the policy of the City of Milpitas to provide bid results in response to telephone inquiries. Bids are opened publicly and interested parties are invited to attend. A tabulation of bids received is posted on the Purchasing page of the City website. BID SUBMITTAL. Bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope bearing on the outside the name of the bidder, his address and the project name and bid number for which the bid is submitted. Bidder’s authorized representative must properly initial any erasures or alterations of any kind. Bids that contain omissions or improper erasures or irregularities may be rejected. No oral, electronic, telegraphic, or telephonic bids or modifications will be considered unless otherwise specified herein. BID WITHDRAWAL. Bidder’s authorized representative may withdraw bids only by written request received before Bid Opening.
BID ACCEPTANCE PERIOD. Bidder warrants that bid prices, terms and conditions quoted in his bid will be firm for acceptance for a period of sixty (60) days from bid opening date, unless otherwise stated in the bid.