Examples of Board of Survey in a sentence
Data on real estate transaction prices by municipality are available from the National Board of Survey.
The Board of Survey approves Reports of Survey before final disposition of the merchandise.
Accidents that have been determined to be the fault of the government motor vehicle operator may be reviewed by a Board of Survey.
In accordancewith paragraph 1(a) of Financial Instructions- Board of Survey, a Board of Survey should be set up to examine and recommend the mode(s) of disposal.
No University property may be disposed of without the prior recommendation of a duly constituted Board of Survey.
If it is found that the material is not marketable, it must be disposed of by Board of Survey action.
If gross negligence has been determined, a copy of the results of the Board of Survey shall be provided to the Department Fleet Manager.
SNLedger RecordDescription of Goods LIST OF GOODS RECOMMENDED FOR SALE BY AUCTION Ledger RecordDescription of GoodsDate of Acquisi-tionQtyOriginal Cost Rs csConditionRecommen- dationof Board of Survey N.B. In Column “Condition” put :- R for RedundantO for ObsoleteU.S for Unserviceable B for BrokenDate: .............................
Recommendations of the Board of Survey shall be subject to the approval of the Vice Chancellor except in the case of fixed assets, e.g. buildings, plants, vehicles and heavy equipment.
Commandant (G-0) designates the members of the Permanent Board of Survey for Aircraft on the CG-5269.Inspection of the aircraft by members of the Board of Survey is not required.