Examples of Board Term in a sentence
A copy of the advice received by the director must be made available to all other members of the Board Term of officeThe Company’s constitution specifies that all Directors (with the exception of the Managing Directors) must retire from office no later than the third annual general meeting (AGM) following their last election.
Advanced credits are given to each county by four-year Board Term to allow for project planning.
Signature: Date: Printed Name: Name: Address: Name of Organization (prospective CHDO): Board Term: Board members meeting Low Income Representation requirement must complete this certification I represent the interests of low-income families in this organization’s targeted service area.
Mr. LaGrangeATTACHMENT #1Local Law Filing NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF STATE 41 STATE STREET ALBANY, NY 12231 Town of New Scotland ProposedLocal Law A of the Year 2016 A local law amending the Planning Board and Zoning Board Term Limits.
The Board will determine a suitable process to fill the vacancies, with assistance from the Secretary if sought.Elected Board members may serve a maximum of three consecutive Terms on the Board (but must meet the pre-requisites of being elected to the Council and then being elected by the Council to the Board).Elected Board members who are not re-elected to the Council at the next Council election, cease to be Councillors, but remain on the Board until the cessation of their Board Term.