Boarding, lodging, or rooming house means a building, or portion thereof, other than a hotel, rest home, or home for the aged where lodging or lodging and meals exclusive of the operator’s immediate family are provided for compensation.
Boarding, lodging, or rooming house means a dwelling in which meals are regularly served for a fee or compensation for three up to eight persons other than the owner, lessee or tenant of the dwelling, or members of his/her immediate family;
Boarding, lodging, or rooming house means a boarding, lodging or rooming house as defined in the Zoning By-law or any successor by-law thereto.
Examples of Boarding, lodging, or rooming house in a sentence
USE STANDARD One-family dwelling One space per dwelling unit Multi-family dwelling Three spaces per two dwelling units Boarding, lodging, or rooming house Spaces equal to 80 percent of the number of guest accomodations plus one additional space for the owner or manager.
More Definitions of Boarding, lodging, or rooming house
Boarding, lodging, or rooming house means a building, or portion thereof, other than a hotel, where lodging and/or meals for five or more persons, but not more than twenty persons, are provided for compensation. (Ord. 965- 05 § 1 (part)).
Boarding, lodging, or rooming house means a dwelling licenced pursuant to a By-law passed under the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, in which the proprietor supplies either room or room and board for monetary gain, to more than two but not more than six persons exclusive of the lessee owner thereof or members of the household and which his not open to the general public and is not defined or licenced as a group home under any statutes or regulations of the Provincial or Federal governments.(B/L 24-96)
Boarding, lodging, or rooming house means a building or portion of a building, other than a hotel, where lodging with or without meals is provided for compensation for five or more persons that are not temporary occupants.
Boarding, lodging, or rooming house means a building or portion thereof without separate housekeeping facilities to be occupied, or which is occupied primarily, by persons paying consideration for sleeping purposes where meals may or may not be provided, and which is not occupied as a single-family unit. Lodging capacity is subject to provisions of the Uniform Building Code.
Boarding, lodging, or rooming house means a building where lodging with or without meals is provided for compensation for not less than five nor more than ten (10) guests.
Boarding, lodging, or rooming house means a building where lodging with or without meals is provided for compensation for not more than five (5) persons in addition to members of the family occupying such building.
Boarding, lodging, or rooming house means a building,