Examples of BOT in a sentence
In the event of cheating or plagiarizing, see BOT Rule 6Hx23-4.72 for consequences.
The College’s facilities master plan (FMP) was BOT approved in June 2019.
Fees are calculated pro rata and billed monthly 2 “Sponsor trades” are defined as any trades put through the Portfolio, on behalf of the Fund by any portfolio manager/sub advisor and their affiliates authorized by the BOT to act on behalf of the Fund, outside of the create/redeem process.
Please be sure to include and identify parents who are members of the Board of Trustees and indicate whether parents are voting or non-voting members.Entry 8 BOT Table 1.
If moving between BOTs, minutes will be prorated based upon the number of days of that billing cycle and will be charged the appropriate overage rate for the BOT selected at the time the call was completed.