Budget neutrality definition
Examples of Budget neutrality in a sentence
Budget neutrality expenditure targets are calculated on an annual basis with a cumulative budget neutrality expenditure limit for the length of the entire demonstration.
Budget neutrality means that, in a given year, estimated aggregate payments for Medicare hospice services using the updated wage index values will equal estimated payments that would have been made for these services if the 1983 wage index values had remained in effect.
Budget neutrality expenditure targets are calculated on an annual basis with a cumulative budget neutrality expenditure limit for the length of the entire Demonstration.
Budget neutrality may result in either an increase or decrease in units placed on the contract at Property B as compared to those being terminated at Property A, if the average rents for the properties differ.Note that for Property A, GRP is determined based on current PBRA rents for all contract units being terminated through the 8bb.
Budget neutrality agreements may include optional Medicaid populations that could be added under the state plan but have not been and are not included in current expenditures.
The state must create and maintain a Budget neutrality Specifications Manual that describes in detail how the state compiles data on actual expenditures and member months related to budget neutrality, including methods used to extract and compile data from the state’s Medicaid Management Information System, eligibility system, and accounting systems for reporting on the CMS-64 and in member month reports, consistent with the terms of the demonstration.
Budget neutrality will consist entirely of Hypothetical Budget Neutrality Tests.
Budget neutrality: KDHE issues retroactive monthly capitated payments; therefore, the budget neutrality document cannot be reconciled on a quarterly basis to the CMS 64 expenditure report because the CMS 64 reflects only those payments made during the quarter.
Budget neutrality calculations for both “With Waiver” (WW) and “Without Waiver” (WOW) expenditures are applied on a statewide basis.
Any reduction to a hos- pital’s adjustment to its conversion factor specified in § 419.32(b)(1)(iv) which occurs as a result of paragraph (h)(1) of this section will apply only to the calendar year involved and will not be taken into account in computing that hospital’s applicable adjustment for a subsequent calendar year.(3) Budget neutrality.