Budget Sheet definition
Examples of Budget Sheet in a sentence
This is not a low cost award.4.2.2. Proposers must provide a Budget Narrative that explains the specific line item costs included in the Appendix D, Budget Sheet and their direct relationship to meeting the objectives of this RFP.
Appendix E, Budget Sheet to track requested funds versus expended funds in each selected Funding Category.
For example, for a Contractor who has selected the Staffing Funding and the Capital Improvement Funding in their Final workplan, for their Progress Reports, will submit The Progress Statement (Appendix D), The Budget Sheet (Appendix E), The Staffing List (Appendix B), and the Capital Improvement Activities (Appendix C) for their Progress Report, and will not be required to submit an Enrichment Appendix (Appendix A).
Each Progress report will consist of 5 forms contained within the Open Enrollment, as applicable: The Progress Statement (Appendix D); Technical and Developmental Enrichment Activities (Appendix A; Enrichment Activities); The Staffing List (Appendix B); Capital Improvement Activities (Appendix C); and Budget Sheet (Appendix E).
The SDS Budget Sheet is the form used in the plan development process.
Please note that all expenditure of funds must be in accordance with the authorized PCP and SDS Budget Sheet and program requirements.
Participants complete the Self Directed Services (SDS) Budget Sheet listing the authorized PCP services and determine pay rates based on the option of hiring their own staff or working with a vendor or provider as noted in the federal approved Waiver programs.
Itemized Budget Sheet / Budget Narrative - Submit as Attachment (use Other Attachment Form in Xxxxxx.xxx).
Itemized Budget Sheet / Budget Narrative Reasonable and allowable costs for each component/activity.
A complete proposal consists of this form AND the Michigan HIDTA FMS Budget Sheet.