Examples of Building Development Standards in a sentence
The BD strategy thus includes support for the removal of capacity and knowledge barri- ers in the private and public sector.
Lots shall have at least one (1) Primary Frontage, except waterfront Lots shall have at least two (2) Primary Frontages, one of which shall be the waterfront and shall conform to Building Development Standards for each Transect Zone as described in Section 15.3. Specific to Transect Zones.
A Story is a Habitable level within a Building and shall conform to the Building Development Standards for each Transect Zone as described in Section 15.3. Unless otherwise specified herein, a Story shall be measured from Finished Floor to Finished Floor.
SESs that are visible from the public thoroughfare or adjacent properties will require screening in accordance to regulations for screening of mechanical units noted in chapter 304, "Site and Building Development Standards" of this code.
Building Development Standards The proposed development agreement specifies minimum building setbacks for all dwellings from the lot boundary, common shared private driveways, non-disturbance area and separation distances from other dwellings and accessory buildings.
Building Development Standards promote consistent architectural design, site planning and visual appearance of buildings constructed at the St. George Municipal Airport (SGU).
Kephalaion sums up what the “we” or author of Hebrews had discussed with regards to the priesthood of the Levitical and Christian orders.
Most assets that are administered as part of the estate will be exposed to claims of creditors of the estate.
Allocation of Costs of Hangars K36U Hangar Construction and Design Standards SGU Building Development Standards Spanish Fork-Springville Airport Design Standards C-II Impact on 50 x 50 Hangar Area Loboschefsky indicated there were 2 or 3 individuals who really wanted to move on constructing hangars.
The Building Development Standards (BDS) set the basic parameters governing building construction, including the building envelope (in three dimensions) and certain required and/or permitted elements, such as colonnades, stoops, balconies, porches, and street walls.