Examples of Building Development Standards in a sentence
These Residential Building Development Standards are the City of Bryan’s basic minimum standards by which a residential structure may be approved for development.
This Amendment may be executed in any number of counterparts each of which shall constitute an original and all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument.
Screening shall comply with the standards in Article 5.B.D. Permitted SignsOn-premises signs shall conform to Article IV, Division Section 26-22 section 5.05.00.C.E. Site and Building Development Standards Table 2-11 summarizes the building and site development standards for the I-2 district that are established in Article 5 of this UDC.
For Lots in the Undeveloped Lands owned by third persons, the ARB, in its sole discretion, may apply the setback specified for the Lot in either the Graphic Setbacks or the Building Development Standards for setbacks in Exhibit 13.3. Additional reduction to setbacks may occur per the provisions of Ordinance 2013-01.
A mixed use development with more than one type of use shall be permitted with Town approval of the requested mix, arrangement and Building Development Standards for such uses, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
It is with this in mind that the data should be seen as a guide only.
Screening shall comply with the standards in Article 5.B.D. Permitted SignsOn-premises signs shall conform to Article IV, Division 2, Section 26-22 section 5.05.00.E. Site and Building Development Standards Table 2-10 summarizes the building and site development standards for the I-1 district that are established in Article 5 of this UDC.
Allocation of Costs of Hangars K36U Hangar Construction and Design Standards SGU Building Development Standards Spanish Fork-Springville Airport Design Standards C-II Impact on 50 x 50 Hangar Area Loboschefsky indicated there were 2 or 3 individuals who really wanted to move on constructing hangars.
District Use StandardsExisting single-family residences may be maintained and are not subject to the non-conforming use or structure provisions of section 5.19.00.B.D. Permitted SignsOn premises signs shall conform to Article IV, Division 2, Section 26-22section 4.10.00.C.E. Site and Building Development Standards Table 2-7 summarizes the building and site development standards for the C-1 district that are established in Article 5 of this UDC.
The ARB shall apply the Building Development Standards in Exhibit 13.2 and shall prescribe and determine Lot area, Lot width, Lot depth, Lot coverage, setback and yard requirements, and may adjust the criteria set forth in the Table of General Lot Standards attached as Exhibit 13.3 provided the ARB determines that exceptional circumstances exist with respect to a particular Lot based on unusual configuration, topography, tree cover, or other material considerations.