Bundled Capacity definition

Bundled Capacity means a standard capacity product offered on a Firm basis which consists of corresponding Entry and Exit Capacity at both sides of an Interconnection Point.
Bundled Capacity means a standard capacity product offered on a firm basis which consists of corresponding entry and exit capacity at both sides of every interconnection point;
Bundled Capacity has the meaning given in Annex B-1 paragraph 2.3.1(a) of the IUK Access Code and references to “Bundled” are to Bundled Capacity;

Examples of Bundled Capacity in a sentence

  • Bundled Capacity will be marketed if this is agreed on between Energinet and the owner of an Adjacent System.

  • Bundled Capacity will be marketed if this is agreed on between En- erginet and the owner of an Adjacent System.

  • The corresponding existing Unbundled Capacity will be converted into the TSO part of the newly acquired Bundled Capacity, for the quantity mentioned in the request.

  • For the avoidance of doubt the TSO is not responsible for checking the correctness of the data regarding the unbundled Services at the Adjacent TSO side of the Interconnection Point and the resulting Bundled Capacity will be registered as such by the TSO.

  • The existing Service(s) shall not be further affected by the conversion, in particular no additional fee will be charged for the TSO part of the newly acquired Bundled Capacity except any eventual Auction Premium.

More Definitions of Bundled Capacity

Bundled Capacity means NTS capacity at an IP that Users can obtain via bid(s) in a single auction for an equal quantity and duration, for a combination either of NTS Exit (Flat) Capacity with Adjacent Transporter Entry Capacity, or of NTS Entry Capacity with Adjacent Transporter Exit Capacity. Such capacity is Registered as bundled when allocated.
Bundled Capacity means a firm capacity product which consists of corresponding entry and exit capacity at both sides of an interconnection point.
Bundled Capacity means exit capacity and the corresponding entry capacity bookable by system users as one;
Bundled Capacity means a corresponding entry and exit capacity on a firm basis at both sides of every Interconnection Point.
Bundled Capacity means a same firm capacity product, available for contracting on the both side of the same Interconnection Point, simultaneously offered in one auction through the Capacity Booking Platform by Transporter and Adjacent TSO to all users, so that Bundled Capacity is contracted simultaneously as corresponding entry and exit capacity at both sides of a particular Interconnection Point;
Bundled Capacity means a Capacity Product that, when offered to Registered Parties, is offered as a combination of both entry and exit capacity at a particular Interconnection Point in each of the TAP Transportation System and the relevant Interconnected System.
Bundled Capacity means firm entry and exit capacity consistent and corresponding on both sides of an interconnection point, which is combined into a single capacity producta standard capacity product corresponding entry and exit capacity on a firm basis at both sides of every interconnection point;