Examples of Business of Employer in a sentence
If, af t e r an i n ves t ig a t io n p ur s u- an t t o § 160.306 o r a co m pli an ce r eview p ur s uan t t o § 160.308, t h e S ec r e t ary de- t e r m i n es t ha t fur t h e r a c t io n is n o t w arran t ed, t h e S ec r e t ary will so i n- fo r m t h e cove r ed e n t i t y an d, if t h e m a tt e r ar ose f r o m a co m pl a i n t , t h e co m pl a i nan t , i n w r i t i n g.
All files of customers and of Employer and all records of the accounts of customers, and any other records, memoranda, etc., relating in any manner whatsoever to the customers, Employer's product, the Business of Employer, the Confidential Information, suppliers or prospective customers or prospective suppliers of Employer, whether prepared by Executive or otherwise coming into his possession, shall be the exclusive property of Employer.
During the Employment Period, Executive will disclose to Employer all ideas, inventions and business plans developed by him during such period which relate directly or indirectly to the Business of Employer or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates, including without limitation, any process, operation, product or improvement which may be proprietary, patentable or copyrightable.
This Agreement shall be assigned without any consent or formality required to any Person who acquires the Business of Employer and upon such assignment, such Person shall be considered as and be deemed to be the “Employer” for purposes of this Agreement.
All files of customers and of Employer and all records of the accounts of customers, and any other records, memoranda, etc., relating in any manner whatsoever to Employer’s customers, product, the Business of Employer, the Confidential Information, suppliers or prospective customers or prospective suppliers of Employer, whether prepared by Executive or otherwise coming into his possession, shall be the exclusive property of Employer.