BUSINESS OR PROFESSIONAL OFFICE", means a building or part thereof in which administrative functions are carried out or in which any technical or professional service is practiced or performed and shall include service offices such as travel, insurance and/or real estate agencies, but shall not include a medical/dental centre, a personal service establishment, a veterinary clinic, or an adult entertainment establishment.
BUSINESS OR PROFESSIONAL OFFICE - CONVERTED", means a single detached or semi-detached dwelling that has been converted for the purposes of a business or professional office.
BUSINESS OR PROFESSIONAL OFFICE shall mean an office in which any business is carried on or any profession is practiced but does not include a home occupation or a clinic.
BUSINESS OR PROFESSIONAL OFFICE - Offices where services are provided that require specialized training or professional certification including but not limited to accountant, appraiser, attorney, architect, engineer, surveyor, stockbroker, physician, dentist, chiropractor, massage therapist, psychologist, and optometrist.
This freedom is paradoxically expressed as nihilism and against nihilism, attacking and destroying while faulting its objects of derision for the ruin of traditional values and order.
Some researchers suggest that the irrigation intervals should not be considered the same and according to local conditions should be given more flexibility on warm days (Bagheri et al.
BUSINESS OR PROFESSIONAL OFFICE — A building or part thereof, for the transaction of business or the provision of services, exclusive of the receipt, sale, storage, or processing of merchandise.
BUSINESS OR PROFESSIONAL OFFICE: A single business establishment engaged in providing professional or business services, including legal, insurance, real estate, engineering, marketing, sales, advertising, financial advisory, tax advisory or other similar services.
BUSINESS OR PROFESSIONAL OFFICE - A business or professional office, a or outpatient clinic, including laboratories incidental thereto.