Examples of BUSINESS TRUSTEE in a sentence
COMMENTS A COVERED PARTY, in addition to his or her role as an attorney, may act as an officer, director, partner, BUSINESS TRUSTEE, employee, shareholder, member, or manager of an entity.
Attorneys sometimes act in one of the special capacities for which coverage is provided under Section III.3 (i.e., as a named personal representative, administrator, conservator, executor, guardian, or trustee except BUSINESS TRUSTEE).
The Plan does not cover BUSINESS TRUSTEE activities as defined in this Subsection.
The term "BUSINESS TRUSTEE" as used in this section is defined in Section I.
There is no coverage for YOUR conduct under Subsection 3 unless YOU were formally named or designated as a personal representative, administrator, conservator, executor, guardian, or trustee (except BUSINESS TRUSTEE) and served in such capacity.
Attorneys who engage in BUSINESS TRUSTEE activities as defined in this Subsection are encouraged to obtain appropriate insurance coverage from the commercial market for their activities.
Generally, however, ancillary services will not be covered because of this requirement.The term "BUSINESS TRUSTEE" is used in SECTION III.3 and in SECTION V.5. This covers the ordinary range of activities in which attorneys in the private practice of law are typically engaged.
Any act, error, or omission committed by YOU in YOUR capacity as a personal representative, administrator, conservator, executor, guardian, guardian ad litem, special representative pursuant to ORS 128.179, or trustee (except BUSINESS TRUSTEE); provided that the act, error, or omission arose out of a COVERED ACTIVITY as defined in Subsections 1 and 2 above, and the CLAIM is brought by or for the benefit of a beneficiary of the special capacity relationship and arises out of a breach of that relationship.
Examples of types of BUSINESS TRUSTEE activities for which coverage is excluded under the Plan include, among other things: serving on the board of trustees of a charitable, educational, or religious institution; serving as the trustee for a real estate or other investment syndication; serving as trustee for the liquidation of any business or institution; and serving as trustee for the control of a union or other institution.
This Plan does not apply to that part of any CLAIM based on or arising out of YOUR conduct as an officer, director, partner, BUSINESS TRUSTEE, employee, shareholder, member, or manager of any entity except a LAW ENTITY.