Examples of Cabinet Members in a sentence
Decisions by the Cabinet and individual Cabinet Members, subject to Councillors' right to have the matter called in for scrutiny.
Part 1 - Decisions by the CabinetThe following decisions have been taken by the Cabinet (or individual Cabinet Members), and will be implemented unless the call-in procedure is activated.
Communities of interest.The majority of key decisions are taken by the Cabinet or individual Cabinet Members (the Executive).
Except as set out below, or as permitted or required by Law, the Cabinet may only appoint Cabinet Members to such joint committees and those Members need not reflect the political composition of the Council as a whole.
The relevant Cabinet Member(s) responded by way of written answers contained in the Council Summons.
The following decisions have been taken by the Cabinet (or individual Cabinet Members), and will be implemented unless the call-in procedure is activated.
The purpose of the report is to provide Cabinet Members with an overview of the budgetary position covering revenue and capital budgets along with key action being taken to ensure Portfolios remain within allocated cash limits.
The Schedule is for noting, but Cabinet Members may also wish to take this opportunity to identify any further changes they would wish to be incorporated in the next Forward Plan update.
Cabinet Members should read and consider the Due Regard Statement in order to satisfy themselves as decision makers that due regard has been given.
Cabinet Members should read and consider the Equalities Impact Assessment in order to satisfy themselves as decision makers that due regard has been given.