Examples of Capital Dividend Account in a sentence
For a “leveraged insured annuities” plan, certain changes include annual accrual-based taxation, non-deductible premiums and no addition to the Capital Dividend Account (“CDA”) from a resulting death benefit, effective for taxation years ending after March 20, 2013.
Sabex which in turn credit to Capital Dividend Account (Exempt from tax vs.
This type of clientele can also benefit from the added flexibility of YRT costs, should they be looking to: — Manage fluctuating revenues— Pay taxes upon the shareholder’s death— Maximize the Capital Dividend Account (CDA)— Maintain access to a source of liquidity for additional security.
If your corporation owned and sold “winners” in the past, determine your corporation’s Capital Dividend Account balance (the untaxed or tax-free portion of the stocks that did well).
The amount of the proceeds less Opco’s adjusted cost base (ACB) of the insurance policy would be credited to the Opco’s Capital Dividend Account (CDA).
Placer Dome stands for the proposition that subsection 55(2) requires a subjective understanding for the purpose test and an objective approach for the result test.In Question 4, the CRA also confirmed that both a deemed gain under paragraph 55(2)(c) and an addition to the Capital Dividend Account (“CDA”) occur at the time the dividend was paid.In Question 5, the CRA answered questions as to the interaction between paragraph 55(5)(f) and subsection 55(2.3) with subsection 55(2.1).
It also takes advantage of the Corporate Capital Dividend Account to payThis strategytypically appeals to client ages 50+4tax-free capital dividends to Canadian resident shareholders.
The mechanism which tracks the tax-free portion of capital gains is known as the Capital Dividend Account (CDA).The CDA is an important aspect of the integration process.