Examples of Capital Planning in a sentence
The Board’s recommendation will be made as soon as possible after the conclusion of the hearing, and that recommendation is made to the appropriate University official and the Assistant Vice Chancellor of Capital Planning, Design and Construction.
The Assistant Vice Chancellor for Capital Planning, Design and Construction, or a designee administers the Claims Review Board process.
The Claims Review Board is comprised of representatives of the California State University, which may include representatives of Capital Planning, Design and Construction staff who have not had any direct connection to the Project.
The decision to accept or reject the Board’s recommendation is the responsibility of either the University official, if the University administered the Project, or the Assistant Vice Chancellor, Capital Planning, Design and Construction, if the Chancellor’s Office administered the Project.
BACKGROUND In accordance with the Authority’s Capital Planning and Budgeting Procedures, capital expenditures in excess of $6 million require the Trustees’ approval.
Capital Planning: Facilitate the selection, management, and evaluation of IT investments relative to Federal government agencies’ overall capital asset portfolios.
In order to successfully address this area of the capital asset plan and business case, the investment must be included in the agency's EA and Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) process and mapped to and supporting the FEA.
Complete Sections E and F for IT capital assets.OMB Text Limitations - SHORT ANSWER(250 Characters), MEDIUM ANSWER(500 Characters) and LONG ANSWER(2500 Characters) Section F: Enterprise Architecture (EA) (IT Capital Assets only)In order to successfully address this area of the business case and capital asset plan you must ensure the investment is included in the agency’s EA and Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) process, and is mapped to and supports the FEA.
The decision to accept or reject the Board’s recommendation is the responsibility of either the University official, if the Project was administered by the University, or the Assistant Vice Chancellor, if the Project was administered by Capital Planning, Design and Construction.
The capital management process is governed by the Capital Planning Framework.