Capital Tax definition

Capital Tax means the taxes or excises, imposed by any and all taxing authorities having jurisdiction, upon the Landlord and/or the owners of the Building based upon or computed by reference to the capital employed or invested by the Landlord and/or the owners of the Building in the Lands, the Building and improvements thereto.
Capital Tax means the tax or excise imposed or capable of being imposed upon the Landlord by any government authority having jurisdiction which is measured or based in whole or in part upon the taxable capital employed by the Landlord, which said taxable capital shall be deemed to be the cost to the Landlord of said Building and Lands computed as if the amount of such tax were that amount due if the Building and the Lands were the only property of the Landlord, the Landlord was entitled to no capital deduction, investment allowance or any other deduction whatsoever. For the purpose of this paragraph the Term "investment allowance" and "capital deduction" shall be defined by reference to the applicable taxing statute.
Capital Tax means an amount allocated by the Landlord to the Building in respect of taxes, rates, duties and assessments presently or hereafter levied, rated, charged or assessed from time to time upon the Landlord and payable by the Landlord (or any corporation acting on behalf of the Landlord) on account of the capital that the Landlord has invested in the Building. Capital Tax shall be allocated:

Examples of Capital Tax in a sentence

  • We undertake all types of valuations including Market Valuations, RICS Homebuyer Survey and Valuation Reports, Valuations for Probate, Capital Tax purposes and Insurance Reinstatement Valuations.

  • So long as the Tenant is the City of Toronto, the Tenant will not pay any Capital Tax or any similar tax levied against the Landlord.

  • Save for outstanding amounts due by the Company under the Corporation Capital Tax Act (and to be paid by the Vendors on the Closing Date), all Taxes, rates, assessments, local improvement charges, development cost charges, other subdivision charges and costs and other levies which are chargeable against the Real Estate have been paid in full unless they are not due and payable at or prior to the Closing Date.

  • Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Casgrain lawyers wrote the commentary for Canada–U.S. Tax Treaty: A Practical Interpretation and have authored other books published by CCH: Canadian Transfer Pricing (2nd Edition, 2011); Federal Tax Practice; Charities, Non-Profits, and Philanthropy Under the Income Tax Act; and Corporation Capital Tax in Canada.

  • The Tenant shall pay to the Landlord, on demand, throughout the Term, as Additional Rent, an amount equal to any Capital Tax payable by the Landlord and attributable to the Premises, as determined from time to time by the Landlord, acting reasonably.

More Definitions of Capital Tax

Capital Tax means the amount determined by multiplying each of the “Applicable Rates” by the “Capital” and totalling the products. “Capital” is the amount of capital which the Landlord determines, without duplication, is invested from time to time by the Landlord, the owner(s) of the Building (including any interest in the Building), any company related to the Landlord or the owner(s) within the meaning of the Income Tax Act (Canada), or all of them, in doing all or any of: acquiring, developing, expanding, redeveloping and improving the Building. Capital will not be increased by any financing or re-financing except to the extent that the proceeds are invested in doing all or any of the foregoing. “Applicable Rate” is the capital tax rate specified from time to time under any law which imposes a tax in respect of the capital of corporations and for greater certainty includes Large Corporations Tax levied under the Income Tax Act (Canada) as amended from time to time. Each Applicable Rate will be considered to be the rate that would apply if each of the Landlord, the owner(s) of the Building and the related companies referred to above were taxable corporations that employed no capital outside the province in which the Building is located.
Capital Tax means the capital tax liability of the Landlord for each of the Landlord's fiscal years during the Term or any renewal thereof as per the Landlord's tax returns multiplied by the proportion that the net book value of the Property is of the net book value of the total assets of the Landlord, as determined in accordance with the Landlord's audited financial statements.
Capital Tax means the applicable amount of any tax or taxes including but not limited to Large Corporations Tax payable based upon or computed by reference to the paid-up capital or place of business of the Landlord as determined for the purposes of such tax or taxes; provided that for the purposes hereof, the “applicable amount” of such tax or taxes shall mean the amount thereof that would be payable if the Project were the only establishment of the Landlord in the jurisdiction of the taxing authority or if any other establishment of the Landlord therein were located outside that jurisdiction.
Capital Tax means the amount of capital tax payable by the Landlord or the owners of the Lands and Building under the Corporations Tax Act of Ontario, as amended or replaced from time to time or any other legislation imposing taxes on account of capital.
Capital Tax means the tax or excise imposed upon the Landlord on account of the capital of the Landlord as such amount is allocated by the Landlord to the Land and the Building.
Capital Tax means the amount determined by multiplying each of the “Applicable Rates” by the “Project Capital” and totalling the products. “Project Capital” is the amount of capital which the Landlord determines, without duplication, is invested from time to time by the Landlord, the owners or all of them, in doing all or any of the following: acquiring, developing, expanding, redeveloping and improving the Property. Project Capital will not be increased by any financing or refinancing (except to the extent that the proceeds are invested directly as Project Capital). An “Applicable Rate” is the capital tax rate specified from time to time under any statute of Canada and any statute of the Province which imposes a tax in respect of the capital of corporations. Each Applicable Rate will be considered to be the rate that would apply if none of Landlord or owners employed capital outside of the Province in which the Project is situate.
Capital Tax and “Capital Taxes” means (i) any and all state and local taxes imposed on capital, net worth or equity, (ii) any and all interest, penalties, additions to tax, or additional amounts imposed by any taxing authority in connection with (A) any item described in clause (i) or this clause (ii) or (B) the failure to comply with any requirement imposed with respect to any Tax Return relating to any Capital Tax, and (iii) any obligation with respect to any item described in clause (i) and/or (ii) above payable by reason of contract, assumption, transferee or successor liability, operation of Law, or otherwise.