Examples of Capital Employed in a sentence
The two performance measures are Return on Capital Employed and Total Shareholder Return.
Average Capital Employed shall be derived by adding the Company’s capital debt plus equity at the close of the last day of the year preceding the Performance Year to the Company’s capital debt plus equity at the close of the last day of the present Performance Year, with the resulting sum being divided by two.
In addition, the figure includes other operating income and the share of profit or loss from associates and joint– Receivables from finance leases1 Calculated as the average of the figures as at 31 December of the current year and 31 December of the prior year.WorldReginfo - fe31847a-307f-474a-93a3-508a3ee05c27¬ Return On Capital Employed (ROCE) for the Group.ventures.SEE TABLE 15, PAGE 52 .
Return on Capital Employed (ROCE)ROCE is a non-GAAP financial measure that management uses to analyze operating performance and the efficiency of Suncor's capital allocation process.
The impact on Earnings from Continuing Operations and on Average Capital Employed of one or more acquisitions with an aggregate purchase price of $300 million or more and of individual acquisitions with a purchase price of greater than $100 million shall be excluded for the calendar year in which the acquisition or acquisitions occur.