Examples of Capitated payment in a sentence
CAPITATED PAYMENT VOID FILE – is only submitted if you incur a negative net amount for a provider in your Capitated payment file.
As a prime or general contractor, during the last five (5) years, it has successfully completed or substantially completed at least two (2) construction contracts of a similar type to those listed in Section III, each with a total construction cost of at least $5 million, with multiple disciplines and subcontractor management.
INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT OFFICE OF AIR QUALITYAIR COMPLIANCE BRANCH PART 70 OPERATING PERMIT CERTIFICATION Source Name: Unifrax Corporation, New Carlisle Facility Source Address: 54401 Smilax Road, New Carlisle, Indiana 46552Mailing Address: 54401 Smilax Road, New Carlisle, Indiana 46552 Part 70 Permit No.: T 141-7925-00029 This certification shall be included when submitting monitoring, testing reports/results or other documents as required by this permit.
Capitated payment" means the monthly payment paid to the PACE organization byODJFS ODM for medical care and services provided to medicaid recipients enrolled in the PACE program.
Capitated payment rates for this site were calculated using dollar amounts from site- prepared financial statements, balance sheets, or budget reports.
Further details are TBC as contract negotiations are ongoing.10 Capitated payment, or capitation, means paying a provider or group of providers to cover the care provided to a specified population across different care settings.
Capitated payment" means the monthly payment paid to the program of all inclusive care for the elderly PACE organization by the Ohio department of medicaid (ODM) for medical care and services provided to medicaid recipients enrolled in the PACE.
On Malatesta’s arrival in London, see: Italian ambassador to Minister of Interior, London, 26 May 1899, ACS, CPC, box 2949.with Galleani was reported in 1901–1902, including the aftermath of the 1902 Paterson strike in which Galleani was involved.42 Traveling to the United States continued to be an option, though it never materialized again after the trip of 1899 –1900.
Capitated payment rates are central to improving the cost-effectiveness of services within a managed care environment because they allow the managing entity, the managed care organization or “MCO” wide latitude in utilizing available dollars to design interventions that both save money and improve outcomes.
Capitated payment for SFY2017-18 was $338.4 million per month, an increase of $7.0 million over SFY2016-17 per month.