Case Study definition

Case Study means the portion of the Final Request for Funding Report that includes an overview of the Project, including resources and process, for use by the IESO on its Website and/or in its promotional materials.
Case Study. The Nairobi Water and Sanitation Movement (NWSM)
Case Study means a public document including: (a) a summarised history of the project; (b) best practice and instances of value-adding innovation; and (c) deficiencies in legislation, policy, guidelines, approach, management practice or skill

Examples of Case Study in a sentence

  • Qualitative Case Study Methodology: Study Design and Implementation for Novice Researchers.

  • The Project Case Study Plan should include: o An outline of the objectives, goals, and activities of the case study.

  • UNIT IIIList and Dictionaries: Lists, Defining Simple Functions, DictionariesDesign with Function: Functions as Abstraction Mechanisms, Problem Solving with Top Down Design, Design with Recursive Functions, Case Study Gathering Information from a File System, Managing a Program’s Namespace, Higher Order Function.Modules: Modules, Standard Modules, Packages.

  • Influence of Motivation And Performance Work The Performance of Employees in Train Indonesia Company Tanjung Karang Bandar Lampung (A Case Study in The Commercial Employees) – Endang Siswati Prihastuti ..................

  • Petroleum Weathering Associated with Hydrocarbon Migration and Seepage, a Case Study from the Santa Barbara Channel, CA, University of California Toxic Substance Research and Teaching Program, San Diego, CA, April 28, 2006.

More Definitions of Case Study

Case Study means a public document including: (a) a summarised history of the project; (b) best practice and instances of value-adding innovation; and (c) deficiencies in legislation, policy, guidelines, approach, management practice or skill. Charges the charges payable by the Buyer for the supply of the Services in accordance with clause 13 and the G-Cloud 13 Call-Off Contract.
Case Study. The Egyptian Community Schools Program.”
Case Study means a teaching method in which the instructor or actor(s) describes, orally or in writing, a situation directly related to the training. The students, instructor or actor(s) demonstrate a possible solution and then the students, instructor or actor(s) describe, demonstrate or discuss the strengths, weaknesses and alternatives to the solution.
Case Study means the document submitted by you that evidences how you have delivered the objectives as laid out in your Statement of Commitment and the impact of this on your pupils, school and wider community.
Case Study has the meaning given in Clause 7.10.
Case Study. Means, the final stage of assessment in order for the “Trainee” to qualify as an “Instructor”