Examples of Caveat emptor in a sentence
McCann, U.D. and G.A. Ricaurte, Caveat emptor: editors beware.Neuropsychopharmacology, 2001.
The University worked with the Division of Bond Finance to structure the first competitive bank bid process for a bondrefunding.
Caveat emptor is a defense to fraud claims in failure to disclose cases.
Caveat emptor, the purchaser is responsible for ensuring that the goods they are purchasing are the goods that they expect to receive.
Duty to take care and liability for negligence: Manufacturers and traders and providers of services such as lawyers, doctors and other professional 16.2 Caveat emptor and caveat venditor 16.3 Deceit and false advertisement 16.4 Liability for hazardous and inherently dangerous industrial activity 16.5 Product liability-EEC directives 16.6 Right to common property resources-right to pass and repass on pathways.